DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Kentucky > Hopkins County > Report # 1433
Report # 1433  (Class B)
Submitted by witness S.P. on Wednesday, January 24, 2001.
Couple fishing at night are frightened by large, heavy animal in the near woods
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YEAR: 2000

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: can't remember

STATE: Kentucky

COUNTY: Hopkins County

LOCATION DETAILS: Requested no post.

NEAREST TOWN: mortons gap

NEAREST ROAD: pennyrile parkway/white city rd.

OBSERVED: This incident occured in late July early August 2000,My wife had been fishing with me on a couple of occasions earlier that season , but was wanting to go where the weeds werent so high ,I had found a place that was popular for folks that like to catfish .We arrived there at about 3 pm ,
to set up our gear before nightfall.originally we
planned to stay till midnight if the fishing was
good, we had brought coffee and snacks , enjoying the chance to be out together, she kept me fairly busy baiting her hooks and re-rigging her line,
We had a couple bites , lost some hooks etc. It was pitch dark at about 9:30 ,but the lanterns kept the area well lit almost back to our pick-up
it was parked back behind us about 75 or 100 ft.
at the top of the boat ramp.
The noise started behind us to the left ,it was rustling sound that became a loud snapping and cracking that seemed to come closer ,there was a thumping sound as well this lasted maybe a couple of minutes , we stood there looking in the area expecting someone to come out into the light.My wife was visibly shaken ,but I re-assured her "it was probably a deer".I hoped to re-assure myself as well,encouraging her to get her line back in the water, I kept glancing back in that direction cause I knew we werent alone out there now ,as we recast our lines something ran across the gravel road behind us,the gravel scattered under its weight,into the tree line along the side of my pick-up ,as it went along side ,whatever it was
"slapped " the truck bed ,three times quickly ,
then there was cracking and breaking of limbs on that side of the woods.The lanterns were glowing on the underside of the branches above as they shook and swayed the "thumping" was its feet on the ground,i felt it.
We both had already dropped our poles , My pistol was hammer back and aimed that direction ,
my wife was behind me holding onto my belt loops we were ready to go ,but afraid to go toward the truck,something was over there ! "that aint no deer " she said "thats somebody" We stood there for a couple of minutes (seemed like a hour)I felt it was right there watching us ! When we did
get to the pick-up I opened drivers door so fast it broke the retaining spring on the hinge ,I put
her in and locked the door ,wanted to see if there
were dents in the side of bed,I walked around to the dark side of the truck with my flashlight,(the feeling of being watched at a disadvantage
was overwhelming )when my wife started the engine ....I thought my heart stopped !
After I stumbled back around to the drivers side
I turned on all of the lights (even the interior)
swung around ,backed down to where the gear was .
got up enough nerve to get out and reel in the lines and gather up the stuff, while loading I felt as though I was about to be "approached "
by something .I was scared ...And then when it screamed ,I did too!It sounded loud and close ,
the sound echoed out into the deep woods, it was
unearthly,high pitched,short but it had a lot of emphasis,if it meant to hurry us along.....
It worked ! we left there fast ! When we arrived home we told our sons about what had happened because they had occasionally went there to fish as well..Lately we have heard other stories from this area as well,theres something out there ..
Im thankful to be able to share this with others who are interested .Told our new game warden about it a couple of weeks after the incident he seemed surprised ,and was quite interested , but
had his own explanation, teenagers !

ALSO NOTICED: oldest son and a couple of his friends drove out there the next day had the same feeling of being watched saw something very dark out in the bottoms ,it ran away while he pointed it out to the others,

OTHER WITNESSES: my wife and I , fishing..

OTHER STORIES: you have a comment made from the white plains area listed on this site , our oldest son visited the area where we were the day after something spooked them as well. have heard more stories from some of our other sons friends who were watching something off of a bluff same area the year before ,they didnt tell very many people because they thought people would think them crazy.there is other stories the oldest son has heard about a wildman and or wilddogs howling in the area..

TIME AND CONDITIONS: night,lantern lighting ,no moon,
clear , cool evening.

ENVIRONMENT: state forest reserve , river bottoms ,heavily
wooded.these woods cover a large area....

Follow-up investigation report:

Spoke with S.P., the encounter left him and his wife spooked. Newpaper accounts exist of a 3 day flurry of sightings in the general area in 1979.

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