Native Oregonian Cindy Caddell is an archeologist with a bachelor's degree in anthropology.
Her focus in school was native American legends related to sasquatches/bigfoots.
Cindy has led BFRO expeditions in Oregon several times.
Over the past few years Cindy has been selecting areas with
activity in the central Cascades based on indicators from reports
submitted online and through others locally via word-of-mouth.
There are many areas in Oregon where activity has occurred in the past, but
many of those areas may not be as active anymore. The vast forest
fires in Oregon over the past few years have displaced many
thousands of deer in central Oregon, so all of their predators
(including bigfoots) would have been displaced along with them.
There is a process for figuring out the areas where the displaced
deer herds would have ended up, using satellite imagery and tips
from locals. The next part of the process is to figure out which of
those retreat zones would be accessible to a four day expedition.
Mountain roads need to be drivable with no major washouts.
Burned mountainous areas that have not recovered and regrown (takes
about 10 years) are frequently cut off after winter storms because
mud slides are more likely. Those slides will wash out the dirt
roads and small bridges. Target areas need to be scouted by vehicle
after big storms. It's a process.
Cindy has a primary target in mind, and good back up locations. She
will have help from other BFRO people in Oregon before and during
the expedition.
Her last expedition in Oregon was held in May. It rained the
whole time and put a damper on things. The 2024 trip will happen in
June to reduce the potential for rain complications.
won't stop the trip. Sasquatches don't hide from Summer rain. Those
conditions are more inconvenient but also more likely to reveal
fresh tracks on trails and dirt roads.