DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Illinois > Sangamon County > Report # 15251
Report # 15251  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, July 18, 2006.
Multiple witness motorist sighting on Rt 36 east of Riverton
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YEAR: 1995

SEASON: Winter

STATE: Illinois

COUNTY: Sangamon County

LOCATION DETAILS: There is a lengthy stretch of road that runs alongside railroad tracks (north side of the road), between Riverton and Dawson. If you were to look at a map you will see a bend in the road. It was between the end of this bend to a mile east of the bend that I saw this creature. I saw it laying in the right lane (my lane) of the two lane highway. After we were driving away I retreated to the south side of the highway. Looking at the south side of the highway there are some trees or woods and brush which is where it was likely heading.

Directions to location: Driving east of Springfield on Interstate 72 take exit #108 toward Riverton Dawson, at the top of the off ramp turn left. Head towards the flashing yellow light close to the intersection. At the intersecion turn right onto old Rt. 36 towards Dawson. Almost immediately you will begin into the bend in the road that I mentioned previously. At the end of the bend the road will be positioned close to the railroad tracks. It is between here and the next mile where I had my encounter.


NEAREST ROAD: Old Route 36

OBSERVED: About ten years ago I saw something very peculiar. It was laying in the middle of the road and I didn't notice it until I was about to hit it. As my ex-girlfriend and I swerved to the left lane to go around, it got up and watched us drive around it. This thing was HUGE! I'm not exaggerating it had to be close to ten feet tall, with white to grayish colored fur. I watched it watch us drive away in my rearview for about a minute then it ran away on it's legs just like a human. At that time and for a few years after I was in sort of a denial, telling myself it had ot be some kind of Polar Bear that had gotten loose form a local zoo or something. After never hearing any news story about a missing Polar Bear I put in the back of my mind always suspicioning that it may have been a Bigfoot.

As for my ex-girlfriend (the other witness), I haven't spoke to her in years but I know that she saw it too, and was just as dumbfounded as I am!

OTHER WITNESSES: Yes, my ex- girlfriend. She had her head resting on my shoulder attempting to nap. We were driving back to her house in Dawson. When I saw that I nudged her and told her "look at that!".

OTHER STORIES: None that I am aware of.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was late aternoon into evening. The lighting conditions were bright.

ENVIRONMENT: If I remember correctly (bear in mind this was 10 or so years ago) there was light snow on the ground with a bit of flurries.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Stan Courtney:

I spoke with the male witness in person. I also had a conversation with his ex-girlfriend by telephone. I made two on-site investigations.

The following details can be added to the report:
- The animal was about ten feet tall and weighed about 500 pounds.
- It had a stocky build, with a shoulder width of about four feet.
- After the animal stood up, it remained erect on two feet and walked away.
- The animal had white to grayish hair that was neat and about four inches in length.
- The neck was short and very thick.
- Although the witness saw the animals face he could not recall any details other than that the eyes were dark and human-like.

About BFRO Investigator Stan Courtney:

Stan Courtney has a special interest in wildlife audio recording. He has attended numerous BFRO Expeditions. See Stan's blog for recordings he has collected over the years.

Stan Courtney can be reached at

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