DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Michigan > Midland County > Report # 1811
Report # 1811  (Class A)
Submitted by witness S.H. on Wednesday, February 21, 2001.
Witness and cousin see "hairy brown man-like creature" watching them
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YEAR: 1977


MONTH: September

DATE: not sure

STATE: Michigan

COUNTY: Midland County

LOCATION DETAILS: Midland County. Lee Township. South of M-20.



OBSERVED: September 1977, I was ten years old. My Aunt, my cousin and myself were out in the woods behind my Grandmas house. We had been working on building a cabin all summer, just for fun. We would often pack a picnic lunch and spend the day out in the woods. I heard a noise, like snapping twigs, I turned around and saw in the distance a glimpse of a figure running that appeared light brown in color. I first thought that it was one of my other cousins coming back to help and then dismissed it from my mind and continued on with the work. Later that day when we went back up to Grandma's house I then discovered that it could not have been my other cousin, because he had a blue shirt on, not a light brown one.
The following weekend, my Aunt, two of my cousins and myself were working on the cabin, we ate lunch and then my cousins and I walked up the trail and down an incline to play on the huge grapevines that we like to climb on. I looked up and saw a hairy brown man like creature sitting up against the fence post. He was sitting on his behind with his legs bent up and his arms were wrapped around his legs. He was just looking at us. I screamed, my cousin looked over and we ran with my other cousin who is younger than us, she did not see what we saw. I looked back once and the creature was standing in an upright position.
I'm not sure if he ran after us or not, I was too scared to look back.
To this day the cabin is not finished. We have all been too scared to go back.

ALSO NOTICED: 1 week before, I heard a noise in the woods like snapping twigs, I looked up and saw a light brown like figure running through the woods. I figured it was just my other cousin coming back in the woods to help with the building of the cabin. But, later that day I discovered that it couldn't have been my cousin, because he was wearing a blue shirt not a light brown one.

OTHER WITNESSES: 1 other Witness. Swinging on the grapevines.

OTHER STORIES: I have heard of other people in the same neighborhood talk about noises in the woods, and about high pitched screams and squeals.

Warm, sunny. About 70 degrees.

ENVIRONMENT: Wooded. Some wet land. Wild grapevines.

Follow-up investigation report:

Witness lives fairly close to this investigator. Time-frame of sighting coincides with other area reports.

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