DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Alaska > Southeast Fairbanks County > Report # 23666
Report # 23666  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, April 24, 2008.
Passenger on the Alcan Highway sees a tall bipedal creature walk across the road
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YEAR: 2008

SEASON: Spring

MONTH: April

DATE: 23

STATE: Alaska

COUNTY: Southeast Fairbanks County

LOCATION DETAILS: I believe it was about 15 miles from the US Customs office.


NEAREST ROAD: Alcan highway

OBSERVED: Around 6:45pm on April 23rd, 2008, as my son and I were coming into the US from Canada. We were traveling west about 14 miles on the US side of the US Canada border on the Alcan highway. My son was driving. If you've ever driven that road, then you know how the pavement has huge dips in it, I suspect from the freezing and thawing of the foundation of soil under the pavement. Anyway, my son was watching directly in front of the car to make sure we took the smoothest path around some upcoming heaves in the pavement. I was watching further down the highway as I had done our entire trip from Lethbridge, AB. My hope was to catch a glimpse of a bear, moose or some awesome wildlife or some kind. Anyway, we were on a slight decent down a hill, making a slight left corner and about to start up the other side when I saw what I thought was a human crossing the road, may 3-tenths of a mile ahead of us and up then slight incline. He was a tall, odd looking fellow and I joked to myself when I first saw him.. "Well, there is sasquatch up the road", fully expecting to see that a person had crossed from a house or something on the left-hand side of the road over to another house or something on the right hand side. When we got to the point where the structures should have been, there was nothing.. I mean nothing. And no sign of any human, animal or anything else on the right hand side of the road in the woods. This thing was walking upright like a man, long arms and what looked like a long neck from the side. It had a fairly long gape in his walk..arms swinging with each stride. It was all one color...I described it to my wife as the color of a Carhartt rust/brown full cover-alls. I called her first thing when we got cell coverage in Tok. She got on the web and saw where this was not the first time a sighting happened in this very same area. I was so glad that someone else had seen it! I hate to say it, but he looked similar to the representations on TV and pictures! By the way, I have always thought this whole thing was a bunch of nonsense. If nothing else, someone was wearing a suit to make them look like the sasquatch character.

ALSO NOTICED: 15 minutes later an ambulance went by us heading east also on the Alcan. Strange considering there is nothing out there much... Who knows were the enarist hospital is. It just was strange on top of what I had just seen.


OTHER STORIES: Yes. My wife found incidents in this area on the web. I dont have those links but can get them... May have been from this site...

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 6:45ish pm. Clear conditions. Good light.

ENVIRONMENT: Forest on both sides of the road.

Driver on Alcan Highway has noon, road encounter near Alaska-Canada border

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Conor Ameigh:

The Alcan Highway is a great place to see wildlife. Sightings of any animal may last only seconds, so passengers have to be alert and observant if they want to see one. This was the witness’s first trip to Alaska, so he was focused on the road ahead, hoping to see some wildlife.

The witness saw the creature on the left side of the two-lane road. It was approximately eight or nine feet tall. There didn’t appear to be any distinction between the creature's head and neck. It had long arms, a short torso, and long legs. The creature casually crossed the road in three long strides then stepped into the trees. While approaching the area where the creature crossed, the witness requested that they stop and look around, but his son was unnerved, and refused to stop.

The creature was exiting from the southwest side of the road, which is the Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge. The 730,000 acre refuge stretches south from the Alcan Highway, and west from the Canadian border. Hundreds of thousands of waterfowl flock here to nest every spring. It is also home to 44 known species of mammals.To the south, it borders the 13 million acre Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve, the largest designated wilderness in the United States.

About BFRO Investigator Conor Ameigh:

- Veteran of the U.S. Air Force.
- Experienced backpacker, and outdoorsman
Attended the following BFRO expeditions:
-Oklahoma '08
-Missouri '08
-Florida '09
-Oklahoma '09 May
-Colorado '09
-Oklahoma '09 Sep.
-Missouri '09

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