DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Kentucky > Meade County > Report # 30673
Report # 30673  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, September 20, 2011.
Family endures confrontation while camping in front yard near Fort Knox
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YEAR: 2007

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: September

DATE: Around 15th

STATE: Kentucky

COUNTY: Meade County

NEAREST TOWN: Brandenburg


OBSERVED: We have three episodes at the same location.

Four years ago in mid September 2007, we decided to camp on our property which is located in Doe Valley Community. The community is very is nestled against Fort Knox Reservation and large forested areas. Doe Valley is a nature reserve where deer, turkey, foxes and numerous other indigenous animals are so tame they will come up to be hand fed. There is a no hunting restriction on the area which is riddled with caves and creeks. In fact, the creek which backs up to our property was named by Squire Boone and hunted by the Boone family. Several abandoned mills here were even built by Abraham Lincoln's the area is very steeped in natural and American history.

As we began camping this evening, we noticed that several rocks were rolling on the ground at different points in our night. I was concerned someone was in the woods throwing stones, but our community is very rural and this would have been something very rare.

We had also been hearing what appeared to be a loud howling...a mix between a female screaming and a wolf howl. Not a fox yelp as we are used to hearing those...but much deeper and louder.

The hour grew late, and my children got they decided to retire into the tent. My one son insisted on using his own dome camping tent and though I am unsure why I was so leary...being in such a safe location. But, I told him that if he wanted to sleep in his own tent he would have to place it in direct view of our family tent's window so I could keep an eye on him.

I went into my own tent after puting the fire out and lay down just to keep warm while I waited for dawn...the time was about 3 a.m.

Then suddenly a sound came from outside of the tent in the woods...a sound of cracking and very heavy footsteps through grass. It went WHOOOSH thump WHOOOSH thump WHOOOOSH THUMP and I began to chuckle the children waited up to see deer, or raccoons...and they come when we go to bed. But then the thing walks up to my tent and begans to walk past. But then I realize...wait...this is walking on only TWO FEET. I begin to smell the odor of a wet dog mixed with a skunk...or like an elephant pen at the zoo. Suddenly it BUMPS my tent over and over again as it makes its way past my tent in a direct approach to my son's tent and suddenly my son's ENTIRE f***ing tent came off the ground and is shaken in the air like it was nothing. It was just shaking it up and down and Cody is screaming NO STOP>>>TURK!!! That is my older son who was 15 at the time. He was sick and went in to bed because he has a condition which causes muscles to contract when he uses them. Knowing this thing could not possibly be my the tent is several feet off the ground and something VERY large I know is there because I heard it approach out of these acres of wooods I shout "CODY IT'S NOT TURK!!!MY GOD!!"

and the thing immeditately throws the tent down and begins to run extremely fast back against my tent which again begins to BUMP BUMP BUMP! against the side...and then I hear it going back into the woods with the same WHOOSH Thump sound and then the sounds of cracking branches.

My son immediately ran to my tent, where we called my husband who was on his way home from his night shift job.

Flash forward to this year, mid September 2011...and my son and daughter were outside of our home...and a stench began overcoming them in our two car garage which had both doors fully opened up. My son came out to find out what was making this horrible odor. There, in the middle of our yard, not ten feet from where the tent had been four years ago..was an enormous creature, dark fur and hug eyes lit by our porch.

My other son comes to me and tells me that this is exactly the same discription of the creature he and his friend came across at our creek. It was bent over at the edge of the creek and when they came jumped up on two feet and walked quickly into the woods.

Now, about fifty years mother and her mother wound up in the newspaper in Madisonville Ky for a monster which nearly took the door to their rural home off one night. She saw the monster howling and grunting at the window. It left marks upon the tree outside their home and the sheriff made a report. I refused to let my mother tell this story to my children...despite her swearing that it was not a bear. I am the sort of person who likes to see things before I will believe it...and I thought it a foolish story.

But, I am here to tell you...something is migrating through Doe Valley each year...and it is not something I have ever seen in the animal world before. The natural gentle and plentiful climate here with caves and plenty of unexplored forests...I feel is its perfect home.

Now, I am a believer.


OTHER WITNESSES: 6 Sleeping or resting in tents



Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Don Adkins:

I spoke with the mother about the incidents taking place on and near their property and can add the following details.

She had never considered the possibility of sasquatch activity until after the event in 2011. She took me through the events of the night in September 2007. The mother and six of her eight children were setting up to camp in their front yard around the fire pit. She had noticed rocks rolling into the yard, but was busy getting the tents set up and had not really paid attention as to where they were coming from. They had also heard some howls nearby, but attributed them to being a fox or bobcat. Later, after everyone had settled around the fire, she noticed another rock and became a little uneasy, thinking it might be someone trying to scare them, and made her son set up his tent right next to hers.

After the creature entered the camp and bumped her tent, she was able to look through her tent window and watch as her son's tent was picked up and shaken, but she could not see what was doing it. At that point in time she had no clue what might be capable of picking up her son's tent in such a manner. Her fear and confusion were elevated realizing that even a very large person would struggle to pick up and shake the tent containing her son who at the time would have weighed over 100 pounds.

I spoke with her son, the same one that was in the tent, about his sighting near the garage in September 2011. He stated that he saw a large silhouette, around 7 feet tall, about 20 feet away. There was slight eye shine, caused by the light from the porch, but no facial features were visible. He was frightened and ran into the house. When he looked outside the creature was gone. It was after this took place that the mother started researching, and made her report to the BFRO.

The older son was fishing with a friend in the creek behind the house when they experienced the feeling of being watched. When they started looking around, a dark creature jumped up from behind a clump of trees across the creek and ran into the woods on two legs.

The area surrounding these encounters is heavily wooded and is very close to the Ohio River and the Fort Knox military reserve.

About BFRO Investigator Don Adkins:

Don works in manufacturing for a major global consumer goods company. He attended North Carolina 2007 and Tennessee Expedition 2009. Also the 2010 Illinois and Tennessee Expeditions.

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