DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Lewis County > Report # 35812
Report # 35812  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, June 17, 2012.
Early afternoon sighting by hiker near Morton
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YEAR: 2012

SEASON: Spring


DATE: 2nd

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Lewis County

LOCATION DETAILS: Location is private



OBSERVED: June 2nd saturday my Mom & I wanted to go back to a place that she had done a BFRO expedtion. She said it had been pretty active,& she wanted to show me around in the day light hours.We met 2 of her Big footer friends on the way down. They drove their own jeep.
We were going to the last spot that my mom wanted to show me.She said that it was the one spot that she had got creeped out while on the expedition at night. She also wanted to see this road going down to a clearing in the day time.
Just after we had gotten to the spot that she was talking about,we heard a really weird loud whistle-whine-gurgling sound in the brush off to the right of us about 60 feet from us. I was ahead of my Mom by 10 feet or so. We stopped because it surprised us & held real still. The sound stopped....we started to walk again & the sound was louder & got more strange.Like a wild pig that was whisteling under water this time.There were also 3 loud human whistles from the other side of the road, up the hill & father away.I wanted to see what was making this sound & was hoping it was a bigfoot!I went closer to the pig sound & my Mom yelled at me to get back to her.2 trees were shaking now around the pig sound in the bushes.My Mom's friends were driving down with thier jeep to meet us & my Mom was flagging them down.I really really HAD to see what it was ,so I ran to the sound.My Mom was really scared & mad at me. But I am glad that I went to the noises, because I got to see what was making it.When I yelled at my Mom that I was looking right at a little Bigfoot,It stopped making the sounds, let go of the trees & turned around(away from me)I think it hit 2 trees with it's hands or fists on the way,because there were 2 very very loud thuds & the trees shook.It moved really fast into the under growth & it looked like it got down on all fours as it ran away very fast & made all kinds of crashing sounds. The whisteling on the other side of the road started again & the friends of my Mom's got to hear it too.After it ran away all noises stopped & it was dead silent.

ALSO NOTICED: My Mom saw a VERY large coyote coming up the middle of the road 10 minutes after all the noises stopped.
The little bigfoot was around my height (5'6") was light beige,had a darker face & hands (I saw 1 hand on a tree it was shaking)the eyes were black or dark brown.It was very clean & soft looking,I was surprised by that.I saw the entire back side of it when it turned to leave(all the way down to the top back of it's legs)It had a kind of pointy head from the back.I did not see much of it's front because it was hiding behind another srubby tree & was reaching around to shake the trees.I was about 30 feet away from it.

OTHER WITNESSES: yes.My Mom & during the last part of the encounter, there were 2 more women getting out of a jeep to come meet us

dry partly sunny no wind

ENVIRONMENT: old road off a logging road going down a hill.trees & bushes on right side.Other side of road has a creek that runs through bushes & trees.hills on both sides of road.Higher hill on the creek side.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Eryn Jackson:

The witness, PR, was 13 years old at the time of this sighting. He and three others (his mom and her two friends) were hiking around a location where there had been recent bigfoot activity near Morton, Washington.

After talking with the witness for 45 minutes, I learned that he had been close enough to see some detail of skin and eye color. PR said that the skin on the bigfoot's hand was very dark, almost black, as were the eyes. He did not notice any sclera (whites of the eyes). He was not able to see any of the nose or mouth, as it was partially hidden behind a bush. He was amazed at how clean and soft the bigfoot's hair looked. He said it was around 3-4" long.

PR described seeing an arm, hand and fingers confirming that it was not a bear that he had been looking at. He thought the bigfoot was just around his height, 5'6", maybe a little taller.

PR, his mom and her friends did not want to follow the bigfoot for fear that the whistling sounds were coming from it's mother and it might feel threatened. Therefore, for safety reasons, none of the witnesses felt that they should hang around the area looking for evidence. Upon returning to the scene later, no definitive evidence was found.

Although PR was able to get a good look at the bigfoot, his mom was 60 feet up the hill from him and was not able to see it through the thick under growth. PR's mom did hear all the sounds, including the vocals, whistles, tree shaking and the two loud thuds. The two other friends had pulled up in their own jeep a bit later and were able to hear the whistles and the thrashing through the trees and brush.

About BFRO Investigator Eryn Jackson:

Growing up in the Pacific Northwest woods, Eryn has been interested in all things "bigfooty" from a young age. Her first sasquatch encounter was above Lake Chelan, WA, when she had a Class A sighting from 12 feet away as a 10 year old girl. Eryn attended the 2012 Western Washington Expedition and the 2012 Washington Cascades Expedition as well as many other private events held in Washington. Eryn resides in Bremerton, WA with her open minded husband and adventurous teenage son.

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