DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Michigan > Oscoda County > Report # 40106
Report # 40106  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, March 3, 2013.
Possible daylight sighting by a motorist near Mio.
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YEAR: 2010

SEASON: Spring


DATE: 15

STATE: Michigan

COUNTY: Oscoda County

LOCATION DETAILS: Most would immediately say "I can draw it!" The encounter was incredible in broad day ight! There was NO question in my mind with what I had encountered. The significant part of my sighting was I saw this in between an open 6ft. spaced groupings of pine trees.....this creature was alarmed when spotted. Darted. Others claim aggressiveness!? In my situation, this thing couldn't get away fast enough!

NEAREST TOWN: Fairview, MI or Mio, MI

NEAREST ROAD: 33 sth. bound

ALSO NOTICED: After the initial shock, I should have taken myself and my dog to search for prints or hair. Was scared. Description is worse...

OTHER WITNESSES: My father and dog were in vehicle. Father asked why no response from dog? Windows were up. No smell or visual. Dog is Australian Shepard and very well aware. Not under these circumstances however.

OTHER STORIES: Yes. Looked on-line after event.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Late afternoon. On way home from cabin after opening for season.

ENVIRONMENT: Pine trees, overcast, mid. 60's. Northern MI. Not much population. Turkey vultures, some birds, no deer sightings. Early spring.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Don Peer:

I spoke with the witness by phone. She stated that she and her father were driving back home from their cabin near Alpena. They were traveling a back road between Fairview and Mio. She was approaching a stop sign and traveling slow at approximately 20 MPH.

The witness looked to to her left and spotted the animal standing off the road standing between two pine trees that were spaced several feet apart. She slammed on the brakes and the animal quickly turned and walked away. She stated the animal quickly vanished in the trees. She estimates the distance from the car to the animal at around 100 feet.

She described the animal as very tall, around 8the feet. It had blackish/ grey hair which she described as long and draping.

Her father did not see it, although he could tell she seen something that caused her to become frightened. The encounter is in an area of numerous other reports and not far from the 2011 BFRO Michigan expedition. It is in the Huron National forest and is home to an abundance of food sources, lakes, creeks, rivers and heavily wooded forest.

About BFRO Investigator Don Peer:

Don Peer lives in northern Michigan and has studied the bigfoot phenomenon all his life. He has attended numerous Michigan expeditions and co-organized the 2011 Michigan BFRO expedition. He is an avid outdoorsman and works for the Michigan Department of Corrections.
Don Peer may be contacted at

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