DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Texas > Delta County > Report # 4337
Report # 4337  (Class A)
Submitted by witness R.T. on Saturday, May 18, 2002.
Daytime sighting by hunter near Sulphur River.
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YEAR: 1996

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: December

DATE: 12/15/96

STATE: Texas

COUNTY: Delta County


NEAREST TOWN: Ben Franklin


OBSERVED: This was late morning 11:25. I am hunting a thicket facing East. The area I am hunt runs North and South, I am at the far West side sitting on a fenceline.There are 175/200 grazing cattle behind me.A few calves spook as I walk up the fenceline to the split at the base of a willow tree that I sit at most all the time.But the cattle are used to seeing me there, a few seconds pass and they kept grazing. I sat ther all morning waiting on a deer or my brother to show up. As usuall he was late, so I was eating the cookies I packed for him. All of a sudden the cattle behind me and the other part of the herd across the other side of the pasture started stampeding to the center of the pasture. The cattle met in the center of the pasture and continued a thunder like stamped southward. I knew it was not me that starteled them but what.As I turned slowly and looked over my left shoulder I saw something walking on the far west fenceline heading northward. It stopped Twice and looked in my direction.A ice cold feeling shot down to my legs. The 6 strand barbwire fence came to its thigh or butt area. This thing? was about 81/2 to 9 feet tall,solid black,and covered ground in a way I have never seen. I thought if this is a man he would have to be a good jumper, but it did not look like it was in a hurry, just moving on. I was so caught off guard that I did not think to lift my rifle to get a better look, all I could do was just stare with my mouth wide open. My brother shown up about 30 minutes later and I asked him " HOW DID YOU DO THAT ". He said he just parked his truck and started walking northward where he knew I would be, 11/2 miles north of where I lived. So that eliminated him.

ALSO NOTICED: Once in a while at night my wife and myself would here a low bellow folled by a glass breaking shrill. A loud growl.We lived 21/2 or 3 miles from the North Sulphur River.



TIME AND CONDITIONS: 11:30/11:45 a.m. Clear Cool

ENVIRONMENT: Thicket,Riverbottom,and Pasture. The North end of this property is on the Old Sulphur River.

Follow-up investigation report:

R.T. added the following comments during a lengthy phone conversation:
- The subject seemed to have an extended stride.
- The arms seemed too long.
- The hip or the waist came up to a 6 wire fence.
- He turned to face me twice... I was wearing a brown hunting suit with a brown facial covering. (R.T. stands 6 feet 2 in.)
- R.T. told me he thought about that after the experience and that made him a bit nervous.
- The coloration on this figure was black but it seemed a bluish gray cast was on it.
- It had short hair and appeared as though it wore football shoulder pads.
- It pivoted toward him and turned its torso.
- R.T. could see daylight between its legs.
- When it turned to look at R.T. its shoulders and head came down as though it was leaning over some.
- The general look of the figure was between a medium build and heavy...It wasn't "puffed" out.
- The shoulder width was amazing... hard to get over.

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