DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Alabama > Talladega County > Report # 45498
Report # 45498  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, June 19, 2014.
Strange occurrences are ongoing at a rural home outside Talladega
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YEAR: 2014

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 19

STATE: Alabama

COUNTY: Talladega County

LOCATION DETAILS: Omitted to protect privacy.


NEAREST ROAD: Berney Station Road

OBSERVED: I heard my dogs barking and howling outside. I got my flashlight and opened my door to look out. As I was scanning the woods, my light caught two sets of eye shine. One was approx. seven to eight feet off the ground standing beside a tree. The other was around six feet off the ground standing on the other side of the tree. They were around 15 to 20 feet inside the wood line. It scared the crap out of me, every hair on my body stood on end. This sorta stuff has been going on for the past three years. My dogs start barking every night around 9:30 to 10:00 pm.

ALSO NOTICED: My wife saw something about a year ago that was around 9 ft tall at around 4 in the morning walking at the edge of the woods.


OTHER STORIES: Yes mentioned above.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 10:45 to 11:00 pm very dark outside we have only a porch light on the back side of our house.

ENVIRONMENT: Mixed woods Pine and Hardwoods thick brush.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Michael Brumfield :

This witness has had a number of encounters since 1998. In the fall of that year the witness, accompanied by his 8 year-old son, was squirrel hunting on 11 acres on Cemetery Mt. in Alabama. As the witness and his son moved through the woods, the father saw movement off to the right. As the hunter’s eyes adjusted to the shadows of the tree line, he was surprised to see a gray creature about 8 foot tall, very muscular, playing peak a boo from behind an oak tree. The hunter grabbed his son by his hoodie and ran back down the mountain.

The next sighting was several months ago. The wife was up about 4 am getting ready for work. Both adults smoke but not in the house. The wife was in the bathroom with the window open, blowing the smoke out. The yard light in the back casts a shadow on the tree line, which has been measured at 9ft. The wife spots a large figure cross over the 9 foot shadow cast by the light, moving just along the tree line. The dog “Red” that only barks at possums and people, was going nuts barking while the other dog howled. The figure faded back into the shadows.

The most recent incident was in May of this year. One evening the dogs were both going crazy barking and howling. The husband stepped out on the front porch. The porch light is very dim and casts little light. The witness grabs a halogen flashlight and scans the tree line moving from left to right. As the light beam moves 90 degrees from the front door; he notices two sets of eye shine. One large set on one side of a large oak, and a smaller set on the other side. Both sets looked straight at the witness, then at each other. The eye shine backed into the woods until they couldn't be seen. The eyes were the size of silver dollars and about 8 inches apart.

Property is located just outside Talladega National Forest.

About BFRO Investigator Michael Brumfield :

Mike has worked 15 years as a quality control lab technician. Has attended many private investigations, BFRO Georgia 2011, Alabama 2013, NW Florida 2013 and 2014,2015. He has been interested in the Bigfoot subject since he was a kid. Spent time as a docent at the Gulf Breeze Zoo. Avid outdoorsman, spent most of his life in the woods and has hiked parts of the Appalachian Trail.
Mike helped organize the Alabama 2013, NW Florida 2015 public expedition.

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