DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Oregon > Umatilla County > Report # 5505
Report # 5505  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, December 19, 2002.
Rural Oregon resident sees a bigfoot look into the window
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YEAR: 2002


MONTH: December

DATE: dec.17

STATE: Oregon

COUNTY: Umatilla County

LOCATION DETAILS: It was here at the house.



OBSERVED: I heard something funny while running my
computer. Out the back window --- I saw a bigfoot looking at me!! --- I said hello (to him?) but he just turned away and went out toward the field.

An update from John (12/20/02)--I went around the place and did find a footprint on the bank behind the house. It was pointing toword the house and I took a tape and it was 16" long with it being 6/7" wide and on the heel. I could see dermal ridges.

(John was encouraged to cast the track. -tp)

I also asked the neighbors if thay heard/seen anything. One said they had heard the same weird voices, like a talking, but not making any sense.

ALSO NOTICED: I heard some wield voices and a funny sound
-- Can't make it myself

OTHER STORIES: yes --- my dad did back in the 50's---twice he heard something funny----once about 12 miles south of here and the other time was at Anthony Lakes area

TIME AND CONDITIONS: night -- I have lights aroud the place

ENVIRONMENT: We have a field behind the house.

Follow-up investigation report:

I spoke with witness John H. by phone on 12/19/02, two days after the sighting. John offered that a nearby neighbor experienced a big loss of horse grain from proteced storage during that same time. This and other described events are consistent with observations at other active sites.

John was receptive to the idea of encouraging future visitation by making attempts to 'provision' the visitors. Therefore, John will oblige the suspected creatures by making food items available. He will observe, and report on future developments should they occur. John will also request of nearby neighbors that they be watchful and that they report relevant observations.

John and his father are longstanding members of their rural community.

Please note:
Sites of ongoing activity are not ordinarily posted. We are sensitive to recent claims that all bigfoot evidence was somehow hoaxed by a person now deceased. This developing situation near Pilot Rock, Oregon is therefore of particular interest for it post-dates the demise of Ray Wallace. Please refrain from making uninvited visits to a potentially important site. Updates will be posted as they unfold.

Thom Powell

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