DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Jefferson County > Report # 57781
Report # 57781  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, June 28, 2017.
Couple visiting the Hoh River rainforest see a sasquatch cross the road near Bogachiel
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YEAR: 2016

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: February

DATE: 25

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Jefferson County

LOCATION DETAILS: The sighting occurred approximately 6.7 miles east of Hwy 101 (according to Streets 'n Trips).


NEAREST ROAD: The sighting occurred just east of NF-2999 on Upper Hoh Rd

OBSERVED: My name is Tim. My wife Nan and I live between Newberg and Wilsonville, OR. On February 24, 2016 we decided to take a couple of days off and drive up to the Olympic Peninsula. We drove up to Olympia, WA and took Hwy 101 route along the Hood Canal to through Port Angeles to Forks, where we stayed the night at the Forks Motel.

Early on the morning of February 25th (a Thursday) we drove south on Hwy 101 to Upper Hoh Road and east to the Hoh Rain Forest. It was a beautiful clear and dry day, which was unusual for February on the Peninsula. After an enjoyable walk through the Rain Forest we headed back west on Upper Hoh Road. There was very little traffic in either direction and we pretty much had the road to ourselves. Approximately halfway back to Hwy 101, where the road once again comes close to the Hoh River, we had just cleared a corner and were at the beginning of a straight stretch of road which I estimate to be about 1/4-mile long before there was a left-hand corner.

At the end of that straight stretch we both saw a very large bipedal creature walk out of the woods on the north side of the road, stride across the road in three strides, and disappear into the woods on the south side of the road. It appeared to be 7-8' tall and covered in dark hair. We both looked at each other in astonishment with that "Did you see what I just saw?" look on our faces. Without making comment of my own I asked Nan to describe what she had just seen, and her description was exactly the same as mine. When we got to that spot where we had seen the creature appear from the woods we stopped and examined the site. The road was in an area that was still within the Olympic National Forest, and the woods were so thick on each side of the road that it was difficult to see more than a few feet into the woods to the north. The trees were just as thick on the south side of the road, but we could tell that we were very close to the Hoh River. There was no trail whatsoever coming out of the woods or going into the woods on the south side of the road.

Under the circumstances we could only surmise that we had just seen a Bigfoot that was apparently going across the road to reach the river. Even though I never doubted the existence of Bigfoot, I always considered myself a "Professional Skeptic". Yes it most certainly could exist, especially here in the Pacific Northwest where there are still enormous tracts of land that are virtually unexplored, but I would prefer to see proof of it myself prior to confirmation.

I am now a confirmed believer, as is Nan. We never told anyone about it, and it wasn't until last night when we were watching a rerun of your show where you did an investigation in the Olympic Rainforest that we were reminded of the event. After the show we decided that I should send an email to you to apprise you of our sighting.

ALSO NOTICED: We have visited the Hoh Rain Forest before, but usually in the summertime on weekends. We were both very surprised at how deserted both the Hoh Rain Forest and the road going to and coming back from the Rain Forest was. During the entire incident, and even when we stopped where the creature strode across the road, we saw no other vehicles or people. It was totally quiet!

OTHER WITNESSES: My wife and I were the only two witnesses. I was driving and Nan was the passenger in the front seat of the car. She was also looking forward down the road at the time that the sighting occurred.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was early afternoon; probably about 2pm. It was warm and dry and 100% sunshine on that day, which was very unusual for the Olympic Peninsula that time of year.

ENVIRONMENT: As noted in the original narrative, we were within a segment of the Olympic National Forest, and the woods were very thick on both sides of the road. The Hoh River was just south of the road in this location.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:

I called this witness to conduct a phone interview. This witness lives in Oregon, and the sighting was along the Hoh River in Washington State.

The witness related to me the account of what he and his wife saw. They were driving west on the Upper Hoh Road, returning back to highway 101. They were about 400 yards, ¼ mile, from the creature when they saw it walk across the road in front of them from right to left, which would be going towards the river. Both of them witnessed the creature cross the road in 3 steps. It was too far away to see any details, other than it was a very large bi-pedal creature.

Using maps and Google Earth, we were able to determine approximately where the sighting occurred.

From the description of what they saw, there could be no mistaking that they witnessed a sasquatch cross the road in front of them. This area has long been known for sightings.

About BFRO Investigator Scott Taylor:

Scott Taylor is a retired aerospace manager. He lives in Mason County, Washington. He had his first bigfoot encounter in October 2005 where he was stalked and later heard vocalizations. He attended official BFRO Expeditions in the Washington Cascades in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. He also attended the 2007 BFRO Expedition in the central Oregon Cascades and the 2007 Utah Expedition in the Uinta's. He attended the 2008 and 2009 Olympic Peninsula Expeditions and co-lead the 2013 Expedition. He has participated in numerous speaking engagements over the past 17 years.

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