Geographical Index > United States > North Carolina > Transylvania County > Report # 58022
(Class A)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, August 8, 2017.
Mother and daughter see 9' tall white-furred creature while camping in Pisgah NF outside Brevard
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YEAR: 2011
SEASON: Fall MONTH: September DATE: 10 STATE: North Carolina COUNTY: Transylvania County LOCATION DETAILS: Pisgah national forest Davidson river campground NEAREST TOWN: Pisgah national forest NEAREST ROAD: Main road through forest OBSERVED: We were camping in the Davidson river camp ground on a tent site a bit further up from the river. It was about 1 am or so the night of sep 10 morning of sep 11. We both had to use the restroom . We unzipped the tent and went outside. We heard some rustling from behind our tent as we turned around to look there was a Bigfoot just standing there looking at us and we were looking back at him. He was right beside a pine tree and where he came on the tree he had to be 8 or 9 feet tall. The moonlight came through the thick Forrest to cast just enough light on him. He or she was albino. The fur was completely white. I couldn't tell you what color the eyes were. My daughter and I both looked at this creature and didn't say a word . We simply got back into our tent and started to ask each other questions to see if we both saw what we think we saw. Our stories matched. Needless to say we stayed awake all night and didn't dare use the restroom. We did hear more rustling and dogs barking in the distance for the rest of the night. OTHER WITNESSES: 2. Just prior we were relaxing and talking in our tent. There were 10 of us in our group but, only 2 of us witnessed it OTHER STORIES: No, I haven't TIME AND CONDITIONS: 1/2 am lighting was dim in a Forrest with some moon light ENVIRONMENT: Forest, rivers, waterfalls
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Rick Reles:
I spoke with Dawn Hinkle by phone about her encounter in 2011. She and her family were camping in the Pisgah National Forest, Davidson campground. (I visited this site also for reference. It is near Brevard, North Carolina, and not particularly remote).
This forest is massive, abutting the Nantahala National Forest, and running along the spine of the Great Smokey Mountains, in Western North Carolina.
Dawn was camping for the first time. Her family numbers five as does her sister's, also with them. No one else had an experience apart from she and her daughter.
Per her report she said she and her 10 year old daughter had heard brush moving and animal noises just outside their tent that night, but thought nothing of it. At 1 AM, they stepped outside the tent to use the rest rooms, at a nearby lighted building. They were startled to see a 9' tall white Bigfoot creature, standing next to a large tree and peeking around it, 20' from their tent.The moonlight and restroom light gave them a clear view of the creature. The hair was coarse, and white. The eyes were dark brown, no white seen. The mouth was closed, and the face was described as "gorilla-like". Arms and fingers were noted as proportionately long compared to humans. They thought it was a male creature. It simply was looking around the tree at them, observing. There was no smell.
Excited they returned to their tent. Nothing more was heard outside. In the AM they told everyone in their group. No footprints were found where they saw the creature. The campsite was not disturbed otherwise. When I interviewed Dawn I found her to be very articulate, matter-of-fact, and rational. Both she and her daughter, now 18, decided they wanted to report this encounter after they became aware of the BFRO site online.
They were aware of Sasquatch prior to this experience, but not focused on it, certainly not a white one. Dawn asked if it was albino. I said possibly, but more likely it was an elder creature.
This is the third case I have investigated of a white-furred Bigfoot.

About BFRO Investigator Rick Reles:

Rick has been on numerous BFRO expeditions over the last 7 years, and has been investigating witness experiences for 5 years in Wisconsin and Tennessee. He has three times published a guide book to Stick Structures found in the woods.