DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Montana > Jefferson County > Report # 63148
Report # 63148  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, July 25, 2019.
Possible Daylight Sighting near Tizer Lakes, reported by snowmobilers
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YEAR: 2019

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: March

DATE: 03/09/2019

STATE: Montana

COUNTY: Jefferson County

LOCATION DETAILS: It was by tizer lakes



OBSERVED: I was up snowmobileing in the elk horns and I saw a vary tall creature about 200 yards away. I’d say the shouldners had to be 5 feet wide and it was probably 9 feet tall I watched it for a minute then I got freaked out and left


OTHER STORIES: Yes my friend found a foot print by the same spot 20 years ago



Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Caitlin & Thomas Ertz:

Thomas and Caitlin spoke with the witness on the phone 7/26/2019 and then spent two hours in person 8/4/2019 going over his sighting along with different experiences he has had over the years both before and since his sighting.

He says he had gotten his snowmobile stuck a good ways into the back country during a cold snap in March 2019. He went with two friends to dig it out about a week after he got it stuck. They had stopped in a small meadow-like area in the bottom of a deep valley with a small creek running on one side of the valley.

It was a difficult snowmobile ride in to the area. They were taking a rest. As he was looking around he noticed that a gorilla-like figure was standing 200 yards away. He noticed it was very large and standing relatively still. The head was a little smaller in proportion to the shoulder width and the height and bulk of the figure.

He commented multiple times that there was no neck and how bulky and muscular the figure was. The witness noticed that the figure was very dark, charcoal or deep gray to black hair. The hands hung down at it's side and the biceps were extraordinarily large. He was unable to make definition of the facial features but did say the figure was standing facing them. When asked how he knew, he said that the creature was standing facing them and he knew it because he could see the pectoral muscles on it's chest. The witness also mentioned that the pectoral muscles and chest area were bare and you could see it's skin was a dark gray/charcoal color.

The witness was nervous when seeing the creature and called one of his friends over to look at the figure. His friend also saw the creature and agreed it looked like a bigfoot or a really weird bear. Given the time of year and the behavior of the creature, we do not suspect it was a bear that they saw. Both the witness and his friend stared at the creature for over a minute and were so unnerved that they decided to continue on to the stuck snowmobile. On their way back down the trail hours later, they did not see the creature. They did not see any tracks crossing the snowmobile path nor was there any additional interaction.

The weather was sunny and it was the middle of the day. There was a small spread out grove of trees between the creature and the witness and his friends. The creature stood out as behind the creature was the side of the mountain with large boulders and rock formations. He could really see the hair on the creature against the snow and the rocks behind it. The witness believed that the trees provided sufficient coverage and line of sight was limited for the creature to the trail. The snow was deep, and the witness said when he stood in the snow it would be almost up to his waist. The creature stood in the snow and it was only to just under it's knees.

The location of the sighting is on a very rough road/trail. It is only available to ATV/Side-by-Side during the summer and Snowmobile in the winter. Very few people go into this area even for recreational purposes.

Given the time of year, location, and circumstance, it is possible the witness and his friend did see a large bigfoot.


Note from Matt Moneymaker: According to the story the witnesses never saw the "Bigfoot" move. Therefore ... at 200 yards through a grove of trees ... this could be a "stump-squatch" -- an illusion of a squatch created by a large tree stump.

About BFRO Investigator Caitlin & Thomas Ertz:

Thomas is an avid outdoorsman, including hunting and fishing along with hiking and is becoming increasingly familiar with nature. Growing up in Eastern Washington, his curiosity has only grown through his life regarding Bigfoot. Caitlin grew up in the Pacific Northwest and is an avid hiker, camper and nature photographer. Being in PACNW meant for her that the curiosity for Bigfoot has always been on her mind. Both began year-round research after Caitlin's brother brought them compelling evidence in 2012. Both Thomas and Caitlin have countless hours in the field, including attending WA-2 BFRO Expedition 2014.

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