DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Oregon > Umatilla County > Report # 695
Report # 695  (Class B)
Submitted by witness John H. on Monday, June 26, 2000.
A pheasant hunter's sighting near Pilot Rock cemetary.
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YEAR: 1975


MONTH: September

STATE: Oregon

COUNTY: Umatilla County

LOCATION DETAILS: It was about a mile south of Pilot Rock in stubble wheat field



OBSERVED: I was Pheasant hunting and was coming home before dark and I was just past the Pilot Rock cemetery that is in the country. I was on a little ridge that takes me home to the house. I did not see anything for I can see all the way to the highway from there.Then I looked over to my left and there was "someone" walking towards the mountains and here it was getting late. It was about a 1/4 mile from me. It was a dark figure that looked like a guy walking but its arms were longer than normal for a person. I hollered at it and it turned and looked at me, when it turned it moved its whole top half of its body! I hollered HEY again and it didn't look at me. I watched it for about 15 min. till it was out of sight from me. I was not scared for I was well "armed" with the shotgun. The funny thing was that first I did not see it, then there it was. I think it was laying down hiding and then it jumped up and started walking away. I can't tell how tall it was for there was nothing to compare it to out there, but it did walk fast and was out of sight a mile away in 15min. And I never thought to look for any tracks.

ALSO NOTICED: Nothing before or after -- but did install a light on the back of the house to shine into the field.

OTHER WITNESSES: Just me alone -- I was Pheasant hunting but had not shot or seen any birds.

OTHER STORIES: My dad and brother heard something in the mountains back in the 50's at 2 different places. One was about 16 miles from Pilot back when they were deer hunting and the other was by Anthony lake area. They didn't see anything just heard a weird laughing grunting.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: it was about a half hour before dark-weather was clear and nice.

ENVIRONMENT: Geography: In the middle of a wheat stubble field with a small ravine between it and me.

Follow-up investigation report:

Witness John H. is a longtime resident of the area and an experienced hunter. His sighting occurred in a wide open wheat field near his own property south of Pilot Rock, Oregon. The creature he observed departed toward the south, in the direction of the Blue Mountains. The Blue Mountains have a well documented history of bigfoot sightings.

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