DHS Squirrel

2024 Fall Northern New Jersey Expedition

 October 24 (Thursday) - 27 (Sunday)

BFRO organizers bring participants to areas where they will have encounters with Bigfoots at night. The odds of success depend on their selection of locations, among other things. Selecting the best locations depends upon sighting/encounter information -- the more, the better -- so the BFRO selects organizers who have the most information in a given state, and who have experience organizing trips there.

This expedition will be led by Larry Rippon and Scott Osborne. Larry and Scott have organized several BFRO expeditions in New Jersey, especially northern New Jersey. They keep a close eye on reports from that area and counties just across the border in PA and NY state.

This expedition will focus on a zone where several sightings have been reported over the years, and near where the first sasquatch howls were recorded several years ago. The howls were recorded by a group of BFRO investigators a few miles from the Appalachian Trail in the wee hours of the morning in total darkness.

Larry and Scott can only take a limited number of new people for this trip. They have repeat attendees who have priority on the roster, but you will be given preference if you have some relevant equipment.

It would be very helpful if you have a decent stereo sound recorder, like a common Zoom H1 or the latest in that low-cost line. They cost roughly $100.

The BFRO is very proud to have sourced an excellent hi-res thermal scope at significantly lower price (less than $1,000) than any other thermal scopes with the same specs and capabilities.  Click here for more info about these scopes and a sample video.

On these Fall dates the moon will rise just after midnight, and later and later each night of the trip. If there are sasquatches in the area, they will become vocal not long after dark. That happens when their best stalking conditions only last a few hours, like from dark until midnight. Therefore, that is the sweet spot for activity on this trip, rather than very late at night.

After the moon rises, the moonlight seems to pin them down. They likely feel more exposed and vulnerable. Many other types of mammals react that way in moonlight. Years of expedition experiences suggest they become much more cautious in moonlight compared to pitch black darkness, even if they are still hanging around.

spacerTo register for this BFRO expedition please follow the instrucitons here on the Expedition Registration FAQ page.

larry and Scott


nj fLL




NJ 6


The BFRO was the first research group to notice the most important correlation of sighting reports in northern New Jersey -- the correlation with the green belts connected to the Appalachian Trail, which basically traces the northern border of the state, passing through three counties.

By looking closely at topography maps of those green corridors along, and connected to, the AT, looking to find the terrain preferences of sasquatches in summer (large marshes especially) that were situated within howling range of the Appalachian Trail ... the group found the area where they got responses to their howls -- booming "Ohio Howl" type replies.

That same method has worked in other parts of the Appalachian Trail in other states.

Sasquatches likely follow the forest corridors for the Appalachian (not necessarily the trail itself) when they move north and south among eastern states. This pattern of incidents near the Appalachian Trail is actually continuous from the bottom of the AT in northern Georgia all the way up through Maine.

Sasquatches seem to have different terrain preferences at different times of year, but those differing environments will be close enough to established corridors like the AT to be able to hear the howls of other sasquatches that are moving along the same corridor.

That would explain why they seem to be particularly responsive to simulated howls from the AT in the wee hours. This makes their seasonal strongholds (if they are hanging year-round, rather than just passing through) much easier to figure out. It's not just a matter of finding the deer around here, because there are deer everywhere. It's a matter of seasonal comfort and convenience.

In the heat of summer they will find shrouded places like big marshes where they can partly submerge in cold water if there are no deep caves to help them escape the heat. When the cold winds start blowing in late October, sasquatches will want to be out of those winds as much as possible, and the coldest winds blow in from a particular direction. In cold weather they also want to be on east facing slopes that will receive sun exposure as soon as the sun rises in the morning. Those two factors in combination greatly narrow down the places they will prefer in cold weather.

It may seem like a long slow process to figure out the location pattern in this part of the country, but this process is very worthwhile because the location pattern here will remain the same for many years to come. Land use is very stable in this part of the country, and there simply are no better alternatives for sasquatches moving north and south among the eastern states. Any other potential long-haul travel corridor across northern New Jersey will bring them in closer proximity to roads, vehicles, houses, fences, dogs, streetlights, etc.

If you are interested in attending this expedition, please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.

AT whole NE

AT in NJ


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