DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Iowa > Clayton County > Report # 1234
Report # 1234  (Class A)
Submitted by witness R. H. on Thursday, September 16, 1999.
Creature observed by witness.
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YEAR: 1970

SEASON: Summer


COUNTY: Clayton County

LOCATION DETAILS: USA, Iowa in northern Clayton County, approximately 2 miles north of the town of Monona on a gravel road running east.


OBSERVED: A large brownish creature, very tall, was first heard and then seen to run across the road, down the ditch and the leap over a fence and run off into a cornfield. The next day I went back and checked the road and cornfield and found large smudged footprints. Upon commenting about this to some elderly residents I was informed that this creature or creatures has been in the area for better than 100 years from old reports of them and intermitent cattle and sheep mutilations. Creature had a foul smell to it.

This occurred in the summer of 1970. Sorry I'm so late, but I didn't know where to report this besides I didn't want to be branded as crazy.

ALSO NOTICED: Noting occurred prior, it was a still night, moonlite, clear sky with no unusual noises.

OTHER WITNESSES: I was with my girlfriend, need I say more.

ENVIRONMENT: Rolling hills, near a cornfield which adjoined a large woods within 4 to 6 miles of the yellow river bottom, which is heavily wooded and runs for miles with many wooded side valleys. I was with my girlfirend.

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