DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Virginia > Scott County > Report # 12727
Report # 12727  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, October 6, 2005.
Bow hunter is escorted from woods by foul-smelling, acorn-throwing bipeds
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YEAR: 2004


MONTH: October

STATE: Virginia

COUNTY: Scott County

LOCATION DETAILS: scott co. va near dungannon

NEAREST TOWN: dungannon

NEAREST ROAD: a oldlogging road

OBSERVED: It was early bow season around oct 5, 2004 approx 6:30 pm. It was pretty cold and the wind was blowing in all directions. I was sitting in my tree stand on top of a ridge over looking a creek bottom with minimal vegation spaced along it. this area is pretty remote and is a traveling place for our deer. Well it was about dusk when I heard some crows in the tree tops above the creek started to make alot of noise. I then saw three deer running full out down the creek bed, I heard a scream and the a loud thump. two of the deer I saw head in another direction, but the one remained down in the vegatation thrashing around.
I thought perhaps it had been wounded by another hunter, and decided to go down there and investigate. As I went down the hill to the creek bed, the wind shifted blowing right in my face, the smell what would i asume was nasty body odor, was so strong it made me feel kinda sick.As I looked around for the deer, a uneasy feeling kinda came over me,I got scared, i then heard what I could only describe as sticks being tapped together or up against down logs or even trees,coming from two diffrent directions, kinda like it was in a circling manner. I then heard some type of weird scream, at that moment I decide to get the heck out of dodge, I turned back up the hillside and proceeded back up towards my tree stand, the next thing I know a white acorn bounced off the top of my head, I dismissed it as pherhaps falling from a tree, but when the next one flew by my head, I relazied something was throwing objects at me, I then got real scared and decided to run, as I got alittle ways away I paused to catch my breath, as I was resting I heard whistling and jabberish popping and clicking sounds, once again in two diffrent directions, I heard leaves crunch and out of the corner of my I eye I saw something very big trying to blend in with the trees and bushes observing me I guess.when I heard the whistling again from behind me I just took off, and never returned. It was like black and tan mix whatever it was and very big. That is the most ever I have been scared in my life, to my knowledge this area is very remote and I have never seen anyone back there and I have been hunting that for years, whatever it was it was after that deer,and for the sounds ihave never heard those types of noises made by any animal organic to that area.

ALSO NOTICED: I have seen piles of rocks before, i think I have smelled that body odor previously, not as strong though


OTHER STORIES: alot of people here sreams and howls for years, but it has been dismissed as a panther or mountain lion, I personally spend alot of time in the woods hunting but never have I once seen a big cat or aything along those lines.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 6:30 pm at dusk,very windy and pretty cold it was just getting dark

ENVIRONMENT: mountanios area with a creek bed running, lot of trees and dense vegatation

Follow-up investigation report:

I spoke with the witness by phone. He reiterated that he caught movement out of the corner of his eye and thought it was something man-sized trying to keep in cover. When the witness snapped his head in that direction he caught a glimpse of a face, which he described as unhuman or subhuman. He saw it only briefly – a second or less. The witness watched the animal react to his sighting of it and then quickly pull back behind a tree. Before his encounter, the witness had never thought about bigfoot beyond having briefly seen something on TV. Since the sighting he has been obsessed with trying to figure out what he saw, and now believes it was a sasquatch.

The witness added the smell he ran afoul of was so strong it nearly made him gag on the spot. He said it was the foulest smell he'd ever come across. He also told me that he has never been that frightened before, and he has been in situations where his life has been in immediate danger. However, this encounter tops all, he said.

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