DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Louisiana > Ascension Parish > Report # 1282
Report # 1282  (Class C)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, May 18, 1999.
witnesses heard bizarre loud screams while out catching bullfrogs in a swamp.
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YEAR: 1978

SEASON: Summer

DATE: late summer

STATE: Louisiana

COUNTY: Ascension Parish

LOCATION DETAILS: mcelroy swamp, louisiana ascension parish

OBSERVED: this was years ago and the party involved has shared it with no one.I was 8 years old. My brother and two cousins and I were camping miles back in the swamp in a floating camp only accessible by boat. my brother was 19 at the time and had brought me on his endeavers quite often. i was a lucky eight year old as I was able to go with him and fish and hunt deer and gators.(mostly spectating of course). this particular night we had put several miles on the boat frogging(catching bullfrogs) and i was glad to get back to camp to rest. my cousin had
an old bullhorn that you blow to call hunting dogs with and he promised to blow it at straight up midnight to get a screech owl to scream back. well it was a little after 1:00 and he gave it one long blow. we were all lying on our cots in the moonlight listening for an answer. now i really don't know what we heard but it was a scream that just can't be described. i've heard many things in the swamp,even a panther scream one time. nothing was close to this.we only heard it once and that was it. i remember back around this time there was a buzz going around locally that a few people had seen "something way back in the swamp". when we heard this we didn't just automatically think of bigfoot. we just didn't know what it was. what really got us was that about two weeks later the local news aired an on the scene report of motorists sighting a large erect creature crossing interstate 10 which was only a couple miles through the swamp as the crow flies! there were seven or eight cars that sighted it at the same time!the mcelroy swamp today remains as miles and miles of unbroken swampland.

OTHER STORIES: sighting of large erect animal crossing interstate 10 by seven or eight motorist at the same time(two weeks after incident)

ENVIRONMENT: : miles of unbroken swampland with small bayous and sloghs

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