DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Georgia > White County > Report # 25693
Report # 25693  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, March 25, 2009.
Husband and wife hear characteristic vocalizations in the Sautee-Nacoochee Valley
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YEAR: 2009

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: March

STATE: Georgia

COUNTY: White County


NEAREST TOWN: Sautee Nacoochee


OBSERVED: My husband and I live in Sautee, Ga., just outside of Helen. My husband can't sleep very well at night and as such he is up at all hours. For about the last three weeks he has heard strange sounds late at night. He has got me up several times to listen. Whatever we are hearing is not anything we have heard before. All of the dogs go crazy and whatever it is seems to move very quickly, attracting the dogs as it goes. It is very loud and it more of a howl or scream; it does not sound like a bobcat or bear or anything else we have heard since living in Northeast Ga. We have lived in this area for nine years and my husband has hunted all his life and is used to sounds in the night, just not this one. When he woke me up to hear this we jokingly said "maybe it's a bigfoot". I got curious as to whether or not there had been any sightning in our area and found this website. After reading reports from this area I thought that maybe we had heard something out of the ordinary, hence the report.

ALSO NOTICED: Just that the dogs all go crazy and that whatever it is seems to move pretty fast. The dogs seem to bark as it moves through the area. And the fact that it sounds completely different to anything we've ever heard.

OTHER WITNESSES: Just my husband and myself. My husband is out of work and stressed so he is up alot during the night. He has been outside smoking when he's heard it and then woke me up to listen.

OTHER STORIES: No, not until I read your website. We have not mentiioned this to anyone else.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: We have heard this sound on about four different occasions. It started in February and the last time we heard it was one night last week. Today is March 25, 2009. Every time we have heard it it was late at night and clear.

ENVIRONMENT: This area is heavily wooded, mountainous, full of caves, and there is a creek that runs through it as well as a lake nearby.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Matt Pruitt:

I have spoken with the submitter of the report and her husband many times since this report was received. Since her initial report, she and her husband have experienced other strange incidents that are consistent with purported sasquatch behaviors.

This is report is one of many cold-weather reports that we receive annually from the Sautee-Nacoochee Valley. Many other residents have heard similar vocalizations in the dead of night in this valley system. I personally heard a series of calls emanating from a heavily forested area that sounded identical to the BFRO's "Ohio Howl" recording in the same valley in late October of 2000, at about 2:00 AM. Interestingly, the witnesses in this case have stressed to me that the "Ohio Howl" recording is the most similar recording of a purported sasquatch vocalization to what they heard.

After spending some time with the witnesses, listening to them describe and imitate the long, sustained calls that they heard, and visiting their home, I suspect that they did indeed hear a sasquatch vocalizing over the Sautee-Nacoochee Valley for several nights.

This is an on-going case, as these witnesses are now very vigilant, and have become much more educated than most about this subject.

About BFRO Investigator Matt Pruitt:

Matt Pruitt grew up in the mountains of Northeast Georgia, and has been conducting active sasquatch research for several years in various parts of the country.

Matt has attended/organized the following expeditions:

North Carolina - 2007
South Carolina - 2007
North Carolina - 2008
Georgia - 2008 (Expedition Organizer)
Washington (Cascades) - 2008
Washington (Olympic Peninsula) - 2008
Georgia - 2009 (Expedition Organizer)
Washington (Cascades) - 2009
Washington (Olympic Peninsula) - 2009
Oregon - 2010 (Expedition Organizer)
Washington (Olympic Peninsula) - 2010
Georgia - 2010 (Expedition Organizer)
Oklahoma - 2011 (Expedition Organizer)
North Georgia (1) - 2011 (Expedition Organizer)
North Georgia (2) - 2011 (Expedition Organizer)
Arkansas - 2012 (Expedition Organizer)
North Georgia - 2013 (Expedition Organizer)
North Carolina - 2013 (Expedition Organizer)

Matt is a trained visual tracker. During the summer of 2007, Matt co-instructed a tracking course for BFRO members in the Southeast. In 2009, he co-instructed an updated version of the same course for BFRO members in Utah. He currently lives in Northeast Georgia.

He can be contacted at

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