DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Snohomish County > Report # 25882
Report # 25882  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, April 28, 2009.
Large rock thrown while two friends sit by campfire on Green Mountain
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YEAR: 2008

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Snohomish County

LOCATION DETAILS: Get on to green mountain follow straight for about 1 or 2 miles. there will be a fork in the road to left up the hill. Follow this for about 2 miles, there will be dense trees, and all of a sudden there will be a big clearing on a right turn. With area to pull off and camp or whatever. There will be a deep ditch on right, The rocks came from above the ditch

NEAREST TOWN: Granite Falls


OBSERVED: Me and a really good friend were up On Green Mountain, Which is 10 miles or so up Mt.Loop Hwy. When you go up the mountain you can either Go right at the fork in the road , or go left up the hill. We went left. We were going to this really nice look out point, we were planning on camping out there for the night. When we arrived at the spot we set up our fire, and we were just admiring the view, I kept hearing noises like branches or twigs, or something of that nature popping and breaking. I just thought some deer or rabbits, then they started getting alot closer and very quickly. I started to get a little uncomfortable, My friend Pat is deaf so he didnt have a clue what was going on. He just kept asking me what I was listning to, and why I kept looking up the road. So Id say about 2 minutes went by I had heard nothing, But I had this strange feeling that something was watching us, I paid no mind to it. Then out of nowhere a stick came flying over top of the truck and went tumbling down the hill. OK now Im starting to get nervous, My friend pat still has no clue what is happening but he sees that im getting a little distressed, and Right As I was telling him what was going on. A rock about the size basketball, a little smaller smashed hard right in front of our fire, I began to get very very uneasy. I didnt notice any smell or anything, the wind was blowing at us, So he must have been downwind, We packed out of there in about 10 seconds and I have yet to return to green mountain. There was no explination of the branches or rock crashing or rolling down. there was no sound just all of a sudden a rock landed about 8 feet from us. ????? I dont know Im just very uneasy about going there again, and everytime I talk about it to people and all my hair starts to stand on end..


Very clear skies, no moon.
Just campfire and stars for light

ENVIRONMENT: Mountain ridges, dense old growth, pines. ceaders, and firs

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Bob & Therese Siler:

I interviewed the witness by phone .He is a local resident of the area. He said that he and a friend were sitting on the tailgate of their truck enjoying the view and their fire. They had not been there for long when he heard branch breaks followed a short time later by a large rock landing very close to them. He estimated the rock to be about ten pounds .The friend who is deaf felt the impact of the rock and was the first in the truck. They put out the fire and left. The witness gave me good directions to the area. I was able to find the location but since the incident happened one year ago there was no evidence of the rock. I found the witness to be credible and helpful. The report location is not far from report #23017 and report #23170.

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