DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > North Carolina > Richmond County > Report # 26013
Report # 26013  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Friday, May 22, 2009.
Deer hunter finds possible footprint near Ellerbe
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YEAR: 2008


MONTH: October

DATE: 18

STATE: North Carolina

COUNTY: Richmond County

LOCATION DETAILS: Take highway 74 west to cartledge creek road turn left on grassy island road go across mountain creek bridge and the 1st place is before the 2nd bridge to the right hand side just follow the creek,the 2nd place is up to the curve on the hill and there is a huge yellow gate back off the roads you can se where people park walk to gate and follow road around to the right,I can show you the places if you need me to .Please don't post on website directions


NEAREST ROAD: Grassy Island Road

OBSERVED: Last September a friend and I went to scout a place to deerhunt up close to the Pee Dee River.I am disabled from a heavy equipment accident and i needed to kill deer to feed my son and me so we were trying to find a place that i could hunt and be comfortable and not too hard for me to access.We noticed a strong smell and my friend has hunted this place 30 years and i ask him if he had ever smelled anything like it and he said no.Opening day of regular gun season on October I parked my truck at the gate and my friend went by boat to his stand.As I was going in I noticed that stinking smell again as I got to my stand it sounded like something was following me the whole time on the way in there and it sounded like someone hitting trees with baseball bats.I hunted there everyday a lot of times by myself one day going to my stand I saw one just one track about 23 inches long and it was compacted in the ground about 2 inches I weigh 300 lbs. and my track only went down about half an inch. I contacted John Shaw with the N.C Wildlife Resource Commision he a Biologist he came down and met me and i showed him the track he said he could see what i was saying but the track was contaminated so we left it at that. About 2 weeks later i was hunting a stream right down from this spot and heard a huge splash in the water and i thought it was a deer so i waited,but never saw anything about 20 minutes later I went up the creek a few hundred feet and in a place in the creek I saw 1 track again on a rock bottom creek very hard my track didn't show up when i crossed the creek but this track 20 plus inches was down about an inch into the hard rockbed bottom of the creek since it was only one track again I didn't bother calling the biologist back,but i saw other signs like stick formations,large patches of vegetation that looked like it had been rolled over by a steam roller,several tracks in the leaves with long strides about 4 feet,found where 2 animals had been killed looked like something put a deer up on a big limb about 8 feet of the ground you coud see the deer hide all over the limb and found where an animal had just been freshly killed one day hunting in there was only person up there that day and something killed an animal near the river it looked like a pile of manure had been steamed rolled into about a four foot wide area on the road about eight feet long and a lot of blood on the ground but no guts and no corpse and that strange smell was there every day.I have hunted a lot of places since i was 5 years old I am 44 now,but this is the only place i have ever hunted that gives me the creeps,I know of a few sighting close to this place,it's not far from the highway 220 incident yall reported and not too far from where the one in Montgomery county was spotted.I don't care to be interviewed by the media please but i believe I can show you where you can actually find Bigfoot

ALSO NOTICED: I noticed a lot of what looked like the sticks they say they may put around trees for shelter and heard the wood knocking a lot plus 1 other thing one day on way out of woods my son's

OTHER WITNESSES: I carried my son and his girlfriends brother up there after hunting season and we saw alot of tracks plus saw where some limbs had been broke about seven feet up on some brush.

OTHER STORIES: I know 2 guys who saw a Bigfoot in November of 1981 at the dam at the pee dee river on the richmond county side around 3:00 am one morning and i know an ambulance driver who had 2 people in front seat with him on night on highway 73 headed to Troy hospital in montgomery county who saw 1 these people told me but everyone else around here thinks we are crazy.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 7:00 am til 5:30 pm est

ENVIRONMENT: It's very hilly and thick forest with a lot of water and dense brush be hard for a man to climb this terrain

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Tommy Poland:

Fellow investigators Mike Greene, Don Tart and Mary Beth Pope went with me to meet the witness at the location.

This area is right along the Pee Dee River, which is one of the major tributaries in the Uwharrie National Forest, home to a number of sightings in this region.

While we did not see any footprints, or other signs of Bigfoot activity, we were confident that the witness is reliable.

About BFRO Investigator Tommy Poland:

U.S. Army Veteran with training in Combat Infantry. Stationed in Camp Casey, Korea, Ft. Lewis, Washington and Ft. Polk, Louisiana. Currently employed with a Fortune 500 Company as an IT Security Analyst. Attended the North and South Carolina Expeditions in 2007 and North Carolina Expedition in 2008, 2009 and 2010.

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