DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Georgia > Wayne County > Report # 27072
Report # 27072  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, December 29, 2009.
Hunter has a late-afternoon encounter near the Altamaha River
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YEAR: 2008

SEASON: Winter

MONTH: November

DATE: 23

STATE: Georgia

COUNTY: Wayne County



ALSO NOTICED: When that thing growled all the squirrels ran toward me and 2 of them stopped where I was and gave a look like mister you better go from here.

OTHER WITNESSES: sorta.My uncle said he saw something too but he was a long ways from me and not sure if he wants to talk about it,but I can tell you that I have never seen this man scared of anything.He told me he saw a leg step out from a tree and it was hairy and had a big foot and he made a big circle back to the truck.

OTHER STORIES: I talked to a coon hunter and he said that they had named him foots.Told me it was a wayne county legend,but I have been here all my life and I never heard of it.I have hunted that area with my dad since I could walk.First time for me and It scared the mess out of me.I can take you back to the same spot but it is underwater right now.It is on the altamaha river.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: in the evening between 5 and 6

ENVIRONMENT: I will try to make it short.Went hunting on a wma(sansavilla) with my uncle he went one direction and I went into the swamp area.I crossed two dried up sloughs,and sat on the bank of one.I was looking around and I turned to my right and saw what I thought was a big man in a gili suit.He had hair all over and was standing beside a tree.My first thought was this fool is going to get shot wearing something like that down here.My next thought was damn hes tall.I made eye contact with him and I could see the left check of his face and he had a pointy nose and dark beady eyes.About then a squireel had made some noise to the left of me and I turned to look and when I looked back at this creature he was gone.I then thought that I couldnt shot over that way if a deer comes cause I was scared I would shoot him(thinking it was a man still) I heard some splashing in the slought that was behind some thicket and thought a deer was coming.Never saw anyhing and it got dark on me before I realized it said to myself get out of here.I stood up and walked toward the way that this stuff was going on and about 20 ft away from in the thicket in the darkness this thing let out a growl that raised the hair on my arms and all over and I cant explain the growl but it was a growl of you are here and I am going to eat you.Not a warning growl.I was taught a long time ago not to shoot at something that you couldnt see and I was afraid I would miss and he would have me by the time a chambered another round so I took off the other way.The story doesnt stop there but this the jest of it.I can tell it better than I can write it.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Ken Johnson:

The witness described himself as an avid hunter who is familiar with the local wildlife, but is adamant that what he saw that afternoon was not a normal animal found in the woods of southern Georgia. He spoke with sincerity and obvious emotion as he described what he saw, and said that he had "never been so scared in his life".

When I asked him about the possibility that he had been hoaxed by someone, he said that it would be impossible; no one else knew that he and his uncle were going hunting that afternoon, and they did not decide specifically where to go for their hunt until the last minute.

He described the being he saw as approximately seven feet tall, blackish in color, heavily built - "like a football player", and covered with hair that appeared to be twelve to thirteen inches in length. He estimated its weight to be over three hundred pounds. Its arms were at its sides as it stood by the tree. Its eyes appeared black, and darted left to right, having what he described as "a wild look - like an animal". He saw a dark or grayish-colored cheek area on it's face, and a pointed nose. He did not notice ears, but said that perhaps hair was draped over them.

As he approached the area where he heard the water splashing, he heard a deep growl that lasted fifteen to twenty seconds. According to the witness, the growl was not a bear, cat, owl, coyote, or any other animal that you might normally encounter in the woods.

Upon questioning some of his acquaintances following his sighting, the witness learned that many local hunters claimed to have seen a similar animal in the area.

About BFRO Investigator Ken Johnson:

Ken Johnson works as production team leader at a manufacturing facility near Cairo, Ga, where he has spent much time camping and hunting in the woods of southwest Georgia. Ken has a BS in Criminal Justice from Georgia Southern University and has been interested in bigfoot since an early age.

Ken has participated in the following BFRO Expeditions: North Florida 2008, Central Florida 2009, Central Georgia 2009, co-organizer of North Florida 2011, attended North Florida 2012 and North Florida 2014, plus numerous private BFRO expeditions and outings. Ken has also been trained as a Visual Tracker-Level 1.

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