DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Kentucky > Lee County > Report # 27323
Report # 27323  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, February 21, 2010.
Possible harrassment at a secluded cabin near Zachariah
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YEAR: 2009


MONTH: October

STATE: Kentucky

COUNTY: Lee County

LOCATION DETAILS: located in a saddle (a choke-point) of trails, between Fixer Valley and Little Sinking Valley, off of KY 1036



OBSERVED: I was home alone one mid-October evening. My husband and I have a cabin located in rural Lee County, KY. It’s a primitive cabin, no electricity, no phone, hand pumped water, no neighbors, etc. My husband was visiting friends about 8 miles away. Just after dark, I was sitting inside, reading a book, when I heard what sounded like two logs being hit against one another...making a loud, hollow “knocking” noise. The “knocking” happened 3 or 4 times in a row...then it paused...”knocked” again 3 or 4 times in a row...and this was repeated for about 15-20 minutes. I looked outside but didn’t see a thing. You can’t hardly see your hand in front of your face at our cabin, unless the moon is out...and it wasn’t. Just a few minutes after the “knocking” stopped, someone or something threw what sounded like a handful of gravel onto the tin roof of the cabin. We have oak trees around our property but the branches were mostly bare at that time and they don’t hang over the nothing could have fallen from them onto the roof.
Needless to say, I was scared to the bone and didn’t/couldn’t make myself go outside. My husband left one of his guns at home for protection and I sat on our bed, with the gun next to me facing the door until he got home.
When he did get home...I told him what happened. He went outside and shot his shotgun off into the woods about 10 times. Later this same evening, he heard something rustling around outside so he went out the front door and shot his .45 off about 12 times into the woods behind the cabin where the noises came from.
The next morning, he went outside to take a shower...(we have an outdoor shower behind the cabin)...and he found one of the bullets from the .45 sitting straight up, in the middle of the shower floor like someone just walked over and set it there. The bullet wasn’t deformed in any didn’t look like it had hit or gone through anything other than the rifling.
My husband has always thought there was “something” out there...and has never doubted the existence of Bigfoot. Since that experience, we have become very interested in the Bigfoot sightings, followings, documentaries, websites, etc. and would like to one day participate in the expeditions.


TIME AND CONDITIONS: clear night, cool, just after dark

ENVIRONMENT: thick forest, with rhododendrum and mt. laurel as ground cover, various caves/rock shelters, Fixer Creek on one side & Little Sinking Creek on the other

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Don Adkins:

I spoke with the witness about the incident. A self-described "city girl", she had only lived at the remote cabin for a few months since marrying her husband. A few months pregnant, she had stayed home alone while he visited with friends. The cabin is located at the end of a dead end road, and the witness had not heard or seen any vehicles. Also, the terrain in the area would basically limit the cabin to one way in and one way out. These events took place mid-week, when most of the dwellings in the area, (cabins, campers, tents) are not used. The witness and her husband have sold the cabin and moved away due to the incident. I traveled to Lee County in January 2010 to follow up on a report of events that took place the same week as this report, about 10 miles to the south. The harrassment that took place there, was very similar to what this lady experienced. While in Lee County with Tennessee Investigator Rolf Gehman, we heard knocks and different vocalizations we attributed to possible sasquatch activity. I continue to recieve reports and local stories of other encounters in and around Lee County.

About BFRO Investigator Don Adkins:

Don works in manufacturing for a major global consumer goods company. He attended North Carolina 2007 and Tennessee Expedition 2009. Also the 2010 Illinois and Tennessee Expeditions.

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