DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Snohomish County > Report # 29170
Report # 29170  (Class B)
Submitted by witness Anonymous on Thursday, April 28, 2011.
Man hears strange calls while hiking near swamp at Wallace Falls State Park
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YEAR: 2011

SEASON: Spring

MONTH: April

DATE: 04/26/11

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Snohomish County

LOCATION DETAILS: Wallace Falls State Park. Approximately 3 miles northeast of Highway 2.



OBSERVED: I was hiking, with my dog, at Wallace Falls State Park on 4/26/11. I started the hike at about 11:30am and there were only two other vehicles in the entire parking lot. I had hiked passed the upper portion of the falls, following an old logging road up to Wallace Lake. I only saw one other hiker coming down from the falls lookout. At approximately 2pm, my dog and I were walking towards the lake (it was about 1.5 miles away). We heard a very strange, humanoid yell come from across a marshy bog area. We both were taken by surprise and stopped. I looked across the bog area up towards the thick forest on the other side (about 75 yards away). I couldnt see any clothing of a hiker or potential body of a humanoid creature. The sound however was very interesting. I've spent many hours hiking the Washington state forests. I know what certain animals sound like when calling for a mate or calling to signal a warning. This noise was different. It was comparable to a person yelling directly and loudly "yoouuuuuu!!!". My dog and I stopped dead in our tracks and listened. About a minute went by and I heard the same noise again from the same area. The loud and direct "yooouuuuu!!". It was very strange. I'm positive that whatever made the noise was either a human toying with me, or some humanoid creature warning me of its presence. Being miles up alone in the wilderness, I didn't want to John Wayne across a bog into thick brush to investigate. It was the first time I've ever heard such a unique sound while out in the forest. I will never forget the look of confusion on my dog's face either. I'm sure mine looked the same as well.

ALSO NOTICED: No. Although it was strange, I kept hiking up beyond the lake. On the way back it was deathly silent, just like most of the trip.

OTHER WITNESSES: My dog and I were the only witnesses to the encounter.


TIME AND CONDITIONS: Approximately 2pm Pacific. The weather was partly sunny in the upper 40's.

ENVIRONMENT: I was hiking on an old logging road, which ran through thick forest and occasional boggy areas. The sound was heard across a bog area up the bank of a large, thick forest area.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Tyler Bounds:

On the morning of May 4, 2011 I met a friend at Wallace Falls State Park to hike up to the boggy area described by the witness. It was a sunny day, with temps in the lower- to mid-60's, great weather for the nearly 5-mile uphill hike in. We found the swampy area, bounded on the NE by a 1,000-foot high rocky cliff, and a 200-foot high heavily forested ridge to the SW. A stream was dammed by beavers, creating a large pond, with abundant signs of recent beaver activity- fresh branches in the dam, and trees recently gnawed or felled. There was a large amount of skunk cabbage in this marshy area as well. We crossed the pond by way of the dam, and searched around in the forest. We immediately found a 3-foot tall "teepee" made of downed trees and sticks, some of which were very rotten and had obviously been on the ground at one point. There were also some rock piles nearby, made up of 6 to 8-inch stones, yet no other rocks were found anywhere in the area. Curious, but inconclusive as to how the sticks or the stones came to be there. There was no sign of any human presence in this stretch of forest, either from the past or present. Owing to the remoteness of the swamp, the plentiful food sources, and close proximity to high mountain lakes and streams, it is entirely conceivable that the witness heard sasquatch vocalizations, but this investigation turned up no concrete evidence of sasquatches recently in the area.

About BFRO Investigator Tyler Bounds:

Tyler Wm. Bounds is a lifelong outdoorsman and explorer, spending many years hiking, backpacking, biking and paddling throughout the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. He has attended the Washington Cascades Expeditions in 2008 and 2009, the Washington Olympic Peninsula Expeditions in 2008, 2009, 2010 (organizer) and both 2011 WA expeditions (organizer), Oregon 2010 Expedition (co-organizer with Matt Pruitt), and numerous smaller trips, both solo and with other Investigators and BFRO members, investigating Bigfoot sightings and activity. Also Outdoor Technician, Production Associate and Fixer on the popular Animal Planet series "Finding Bigfoot", 2010-current.

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