DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Nevada > Storey County > Report # 3455
Report # 3455  (Class A)
Submitted by witness R. L. on Monday, December 3, 2001.
Two security guards see a creature outside of Gold Hill
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YEAR: 1980

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: September

DATE: 15

STATE: Nevada

COUNTY: Storey County

LOCATION DETAILS: take hwy.50 east out of Carson . turn left onto 431 through Silver City just before you get to Gold Hill there is a drive to the left across from New York mine. siting was at old mill site at American flats in ravine just south of ruins of old mill.

NEAREST TOWN: Gold Hill Nv. (American flats)


OBSERVED: I was a reserve deputy sheriff for Story co. Sheriff's office. I was employed by Houston International Minerals Corp. at Gold Hill as their on site security supervisor. I had worked the day shift. I had ran some kids out of the old mill at around 3:30pm on 09-15-80. I was showing my swing shift officer the area I had ran the kids off from. We were in the security vehicle parked on the high side of the southside of the old mill (Gold Mining). We saw that the boys, (four of them) were running back down the ravine to the creek below. it was 4:15pm. As the boys reached the creek they must have scared a group of girls at the creek bottom because they started screaming. there was a lot of noise being made by both the girls, and boys laughing, and yelling. At first I thought they had scared a deer west of them near the rock outcrops. Then I thought, no it's too big to be a deer. I could see it moving amoung the trees heading up the other side of the ravine at a very fast pace. I thought it must be a lone mustang as I watched. My secutity officer got the binoculars from the seat and said "OH MY GOD" I looked closer, and realized it was not a mustang. I was looking at a large greying/ brown man shape thing about ten plus feet tall. It was obviously male. because of it's build. As it cleared the trees near the top of the hill I could clearly see it. It was covered with hair from head to toe. Greying like a person in their fifties. It was at least three feet across at the shoulders. At the crest of the hill it turned to look back down the ravine. It was maybe a hundred yard across the ravine. I had an unobstructed view at this point. It stood on the hill top maybe a minute looking back down the hill, then turned and moved over the other side of the hill out of view. We drove over to where we had seen the thing last (about a two mile drive on dirt roads). It's was about 4:50 pm by then We saw no further sign of it, but was able to establish that the thing was standing next to a tree that was 11 feet tall, and it was just as tall as the tree we saw.

ALSO NOTICED: just the noise of the kids down lower on the creek, happy sounds not fear. screaming, and yelling.

OTHER WITNESSES: myself, and my swing shift security officer. Shift change rounds.


TIME AND CONDITIONS: 4:15pm broad daylight clear skys, warm almost hot

ENVIRONMENT: the area is high desert, across a ravine sixty feet deep, with a rock outcrop on the other side, with a creek in the bottom of the ravine. there are cottonwood tres,and willows in the bottom of the ravine, with juniper, sage, and pine trees no both sides of the ravine. this open up into a flat as you move west. the siting was just south of the old American flats mill site. below the new mill, and mill pond.

Follow-up investigation report:

I talked with the witness by phone and the following details can be added to the report:
--He remembers the date so well because it happened just two months after he started work.
--He remembers the time so well because the swing shift had just started and he was showing the swing shift officer around.
--The area is filled with caves, mines, tunnels, and the like.
--Believed the creature to be male due to size and body structure. There was a dark patch in the groin area.
--Estimated the weight of the creature to be between 500-1000 pounds.
--Creature seemed familar with the terrain based on how it moved up the hill.
--The creature seemed concerned with the kids, and that was what the creature turned to look at.
--No sounds from the creature heard.
--Witness worked there for a year and nothing further happened, nor were there any other stories from the area.
--Known animals in the area include deer and mustang.

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