DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Oregon > Clatsop County > Report # 3766
Report # 3766  (Class B)
Submitted by witness Angel Vigil on Wednesday, February 13, 2002.
Family finds prints and hears vocalizations in forest near Seaside
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YEAR: 2001

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 3rd

STATE: Oregon

COUNTY: Clatsop County


OBSERVED: I don't wanna disclose that actual location because of potential bigfoot killers. We were in a enchanted, mossy and fern over grown forest. When we heard(me, mother,father, 4 brothers, 1 sister and a friend) all heard a loud hair raising scream some what like that of a pterodactyl dinosaur. somewhat like a sucking in sound. it was very long like from something with very massive lung capacity. There was a pause between each scream there were four screams total. my mother attempted to imitate the sound and it replied back each time. Earlier that day were took pictures of what were believed to be 2 sets of tracks down a road about a mile from where we heard the screams. The tracks one a smaller and a larger set. The forest was very old with huge trees that had fallen with other trees the same size growing out of them. some trees were so huge I could not see over the fallen one and I am 5'7. There was not sound in this forest it was completely silent. Very eerie. The only sign of wildlife was foot long slugs. the soil was very dark and rich. the moss was think. I put my finger through some moss to see how thick it was and my finger did not touch the ground.

ALSO NOTICED: Very silent and still. All reported the feeling of being watched.

OTHER WITNESSES: Father, mother, 1 sister, 4 brothers, 1baby 1 friend all packed in a van with the windows open, heard it. My father, me, brother and baby seen the tracks down the road eailer that day. Then went back for the camera and took mother back to see. The pictures are very blurred.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Thick dark forest. Very warm and humid

ENVIRONMENT: Rocky river. logging road, huge trees, long slugs. Damp forest floor. No animals around just slugs and mosquitos. Ferns, choke cherries, moss everywhere

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