DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Minnesota > Beltrami County > Report # 45150
Report # 45150  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, May 27, 2014.
Possible daytime sighting on a golf course in Northern MN
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YEAR: 2014

SEASON: Spring


DATE: 24

STATE: Minnesota

COUNTY: Beltrami County

LOCATION DETAILS: Not provided at request of witness.

OBSERVED: Doubt this rises to a level of super credible sighting, but thought I'd pass it along anyway.

I work at a golf course in northern MN which abuts a large state park. The other early morning "something" was walking in the woods just off a paved cart path but went out of view behind a small building used as bathrooms. What made this odd was:

Size: Very tall and lanky
Gait: The gate was very long and easy in heavy brush
Speed: Not running but covered ground quickly
Location: I find it hard to believe that a human would walk through dense brush ten feet in and parallel to a paved trail. Plus, no houses are near.
Color: Uniformly tan/red from head to toe.
Disappearance: After walking behind the building, the creature did not exit the other side meaning it made a complete 90 degree left turn to walk away from me with the small building blocking my view or it just disappeared.
Other sightings: There have been other sightings in recent years within a 30 mile radius.

Also, I live one mile from this site and had an odd experience several years ago. I'd left the sprinkler on in the garden in the summer and went outside after dark to turn the faucet off alongside the house. As I walked towards the spigot, I heard a loud low growl from the corner of my house and about ten feet from my spigot. Too low and guttural for a dog or wolf and I've never heard bears growl before although I have confronted them and they just kind of snarl or snap their jaws. This was different. What was very odd is that after hearing the growl you'd think my reaction would be to turn and run or freeze as I was about ten feet from the source, but I said loudly in my head "stop growling, I'm just gonna turn the water off." I then felt at ease and not scared at all. Nothing. Sorta numb. I then walked towards the growl, turned off the spigot, turned around with my back to the growl, and slowly walked back in the house. I then sat back in my living room and only later my mind cleared and I thought "what the heck? My daughter used to complain about someone looking in her window on that side of the house too, but I chalked it up to "boogiemen."

Clear day

ENVIRONMENT: Heavily wooded low brush and jackpines.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Mary H:

I spoke with this witness by telephone on June 3. He was enthusiastic about sharing his experience.

The witness has a professional position in his area and has a second job at a golf course. The golf course is approximately 1.5 miles from a state forest and sits on a lake. On May 24, 2014 around 7: 00 am, the witness was at the golf course talking with a coworker. The weather was clear and sunny. The coworker was facing the witness and had his back to the wooded, brushy area on the border of the golf course. The witness noticed a bipedal figure behind his coworker. The witness estimated that the figure was around 7 feet tall. It was covered in reddish-tan hair. The figure was too far away for the witness to see its facial features or the texture and length of the hair. The figure was walking quietly in the brush, approximately 10 feet in, walking with a long stride and traveling east. The sighting lasted approximately 20 seconds. The coworker did not observe the figure - the witness was too shocked to say anything to him.

The witness also described an experience he had in the summer of 2012. He lives about one mile from the golf course. Around 10:00 pm that evening, he went outside to turn off a spigot. He heard a growl from approximately 10 feet from the spigot. He said it did not sound like any other animals he was familiar with in the area such as dogs, wolves, or bears. He said he had an oddly calm feeling and continued to walk towards the spigot to turn it off.

The witness' professional position occasionally puts him in contact with the Native American population in the area. He said the tribe members have told him many stories that describe something like a sasquatch.

I believe this witness is credible. He is an avid outdoorsman and knows the area very well.

About BFRO Investigator Mary H:

Mary has always believed in the possibility of Sasquatch and became convinced while attending the 2013 Missouri Expedition. She applies her research training, critical thinking skills, and observational skills from her public health degree, technical writing career, and work as a psychiatric nurse. She also loves being outdoors and is an avid runner, hiker, and cyclist.

Mary attended the 2013 Missouri Expedition and the 2014 Iowa Expedition.

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