DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Snohomish County > Report # 47115
Report # 47115  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, November 19, 2014.
Hiker near Stevens Pass alarmed by very close and loud vocalizations of unknown origin
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YEAR: 2014


MONTH: October

DATE: 20th or 21st

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Snohomish County

LOCATION DETAILS: Lake Janus off the PCT north of highway 2 at lake campsite

NEAREST TOWN: Stevens Pass ski resort


OBSERVED: I had gotten up from sleeping to go to the bathroom, my dog came with me and was standing next to me. I stood there a moment longer enjoying the peace when I heard a sound like an air raid siren. It stretched for 3 or 4 seconds and was followed immediately by 3 whoops. My dog and I were both staring quietly for about 10 minutes and heard nothing else. After hearing the sound I used my flashlight to search 180 degrees in the direction of the sound. My dog was with me, he has a strong prey drive though he obeys very well, he heard it and did not move a muscle only stared in the exact direction that the sound came from. This animal was within 70 feet of me so it was clear and fairly loud (as loud as an amplified siren we use at work). I went up the following week to look for footprints but I believe it had rained too hard, I did find some but they were too skinny and only about 13 inches long. I'm not a believer but am very intrigued as the only thing it sounds like is one of the sounds on your site. Note most of the sounds on your site I find hard to believe. Maybe someone can help me eliminate bigfoot from the possible list.

ALSO NOTICED: The sound was not off in the distance, it was within 70 feet.

OTHER WITNESSES: No, I saw no other hikers during entire trip nor any vehicles in parking lot, pretty much the end of the hiking year for others.


TIME AND CONDITIONS: approx 1:30 am break in rainy night no moon I could see.

ENVIRONMENT: Woods alpine campsites at lake, temporary break in rain everything quiet and still

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Robert Parker:

I spoke with the witness "RP" over the phone on 1/30/15 and received more information than was initially given in the report.

"RP" has hiked this trail on a number of occasions. On a trip last year, while at the trail head making preparations to return home, two men came running off the trail into the parking area. They approached and asked him if he had "seen or heard anything strange." He replied in the negative and in the ensuing conversation, these two identified themselves as "Bigfoot hunters." They then departed.

During this hike toward the end of October, "RP" was anxious to camp with a new tent he purchased for these back-country adventures. He arrived at the trail head to find he was apparently the only person in the area as no other cars were present. He hiked in and went about setting up his camp in a clearing approximately 20 -25' in diameter, gathering firewood, and singing songs. At no time did he see or hear signs of other people in the area.

At approximately 1:30AM he stepped out of the tent to answer the call of nature and was accompanied by his dog. He was standing outside his tent when he was startled by a very loud sound that he describes as "very similar to the start-up of an air-raid siren." He is very familiar with this particular sound as his place of employment uses such a siren for alarms. "RP" stated the "call" lasted for 4 - 5 seconds and was immediately followed by 3 "whoops." These all came from a location estimated at 70 feet from him, far enough inside the tree line that he could not see the source, but close enough that he could "feel" the force of it.

"RP" further said that he noticed his dog (half Rhodesian Ridgeback, a breed once used for hunting lions) appeared to be "stunned" by the vocalizations, which was an unusual response. With nothing else occurring, he and his dog went back inside the tent and eventually fell asleep. In the morning he packed up and left.

Two weeks later, "RP" returned to the location to look for prints or tracks. In his line of work and as a member of a specialty team, he has been trained in tracking people. Focusing in on the area where he thought the calls came from, he found an imprint with 5 toes, that resembled a human foot. He didn't measure it but did compare it to his own foot and estimated the length at 12 - 13". He believes it could have been made by a hiker wearing the toed, form-fitting type of footwear.

As a side-note, while researching the history of Lake Janus, I found an internet page asking the question; "is Lake Janus Haunted?" There were several replies to this ascribing a "spooky feel to the place."

About BFRO Investigator Robert Parker:

Rob is a life-long resident of Washington state, currently residing in Snohomish County. A daylight face-to-face encounter in 1969 started him on the path to discovery and led him to working with John Green, Dick Grover, and others throughout the 1970's, taking reports and conducting investigations. His interest in all things Bigfoot, has been greatly piqued over the last decade by what he believes to be either evolutionary developments or significant behavioral changes from those reported in the 60's and before. His interests are mainly in Washington State where he is attempting to pattern the movements and behaviors of Sasquatch.

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