DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Illinois > Warren County > Report # 47249
Report # 47249  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Saturday, December 6, 2014.
Motorist has dusk sighting west of Galesburg
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YEAR: 2014

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 12

STATE: Illinois

COUNTY: Warren County

LOCATION DETAILS: This location is right past the Galesburg, Illinois Airport and Farm King on Old Highway 34 [Illinois Route 164] if you travel out West Main St. from Galesburg. The animal was crossing from the south to north side of the road.


NEAREST ROAD: Old Highway 34 (Illinois Route 164)

OBSERVED: I teach in the city of Galesburg, Knox County Illinois in the summer months. It was late July or early August when I saw this animal run in front of my car. It was dusk when my daughter and I were driving on what is known as Old highway 34 (Illinois Route 164) west of Galesburg, Illinois heading for Monmouth, Illinois. I was right by the Knox / Warren county line.

I had just driven over a little bridge that covered a small creek or farm run off. This bridge was down in a little lower area then the rest of the land and as I came over the bridge and started around a little curve an animal ran in front of my car. It was about 15 yards in front of my vehicle. Since it was not quite dark, my headlights did not illuminate the animal well, yet it was still light enough to see the creature. The creature was very dark and hairy it was running on all fours, yet it was very tall. Its rear end was up higher than its front end and it appeared to have no muzzle. Its face was flat. This creature had a most awkward gate for the speed it was actually achieving. Its front legs moved as if a human would be leaning over a tricycle peddling and its back legs moved with a human running motion including what appeared to be knees.

My daughter, unfortunately did not see it and that was very disappointing for her and me. The animal ran so quickly across the road that by the time I was able to say something it was gone. We turned around to see if we could see it off the side of the road but in Illinois that time of the year it's impossible. Tall corn, tall grass, soy beans, bushes and trees.


OTHER WITNESSES: I am the only one that saw the animal run in front of the car, however my daughter was with me and knows the location. We had been driving around town just to get out for awhile.

OTHER STORIES: I noticed on the BFRO sightings page that in August of 2014 a Bigfoot was sighted near Altona, Illinois in Knox County: BFRO Report # 46439 . That is why I'm giving this report. Altona is about 20 miles from Galesburg in Knox County.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was dusk. It was a clear night. The lighting was such that the sun was down but not dark yet. Light enough headlights are not illuminating the road but complete darkness will happen soon.

ENVIRONMENT: This was right next to a creek or farm drainage run off. It was an area lower than the rest of the close area. Tall grass, crops, thick bushes.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Stan Courtney:

I spoke with the witness by phone.

In summary:

• The animal was about four feet tall being on all fours.
• The animal seemed gangly and thinly built.
• The long hair was dark brown to black.
• The animal was higher in the rear end with an unusual gait.
• The animal had a round head, flat face and no snout.
• The animal was 15 yards in front of the vehicle while crossing the road.

• The location of the sighting was just west of the small creek which is west of the Warren / Knox County line.

About BFRO Investigator Stan Courtney:

Stan Courtney has a special interest in wildlife audio recording. He has attended numerous BFRO Expeditions. See Stan's blog for recordings he has collected over the years.

Stan Courtney can be reached at

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