Geographical Index > United States > Illinois > Shelby County > Report # 47403
(Class A)
Submitted by witness on Sunday, December 28, 2014.
Deer hunter has daylight encounters and attempts to take photos east of Findlay
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YEAR: 2014
SEASON: Winter MONTH: December DATE: 6 STATE: Illinois COUNTY: Shelby County LOCATION DETAILS: You can personally contact me for the location. NEAREST TOWN: Findlay Illinois NEAREST ROAD: Bruce and Findlay blacktop OBSERVED: I'm a retired paranormal and cryptid researcher and I had a personal encounter this year while deer hunting in Shelby County Illinois which is considered south central Illinois. I will not disclose the exact location but I will say it happened in a very well known state park. I had two encounters in two days one after another. The first was a grey color and second one was a dark black color. The second encounter I got a series of pics that aren't the best but show a dark figure walking away. I have the details all recorded and theories as to why in the area that I have seen these creatures. I am also a well known tracker and guide in the area and I know my wildlife very well. If u would like to know more please contact me. I'm submitting this thru my phone and kind of difficult. On a side note I'm not some young kid I'll be 41 yrs old soon. ALSO NOTICED: Found a few trees that were twisted and broke off. These breaks were taller than me and I'm 6'3. OTHER WITNESSES: I alone on first encounter first day and my son and I on second day but he was on the ground. He didn't see it as I was trying my best to stay calm and not alert him. OTHER STORIES: Yes I have researched my area and others. TIME AND CONDITIONS: Very calm little to no wind. Overcast but not too cold that day. Happened in late afternoon. ENVIRONMENT: Wooded with also thickets. Valleys and streams in the area. Hardwood mostly with plenty of deer and plants for food source.
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Stan Courtney:
I spoke with the witness by phone.
The witness reported two sightings two days apart while deer hunting .
In summary:
Possible sighting on the 6th of December 2014.
• Witness saw a greyish colored head through the brush. • The witness estimated the animal's height at 8 foot. • The witness was unable to make out any facial features. • The witness was 70 yards from the animal.
Second sighting on the 8th of December 2014.
• The witness was 15 feet up in a deer stand. • The witness estimated the animal's height at 8 foot. • The witness estimated the animal's weight at 600 lbs. • The animal had a crowned shaped head. • The animal's coloring was blackish with a silverish sheen. • The animal had broad shoulders and long arms. • The witness was unable to see the face. • The witness was 60 - 70 yards from the animal.
During this time the witness took several pictures with his cell phone (Samsung Galaxy S3). Unfortunately the photos do not show much detail, here is one of them:

About BFRO Investigator Stan Courtney:
Stan Courtney has a special interest in wildlife audio recording. He has attended numerous BFRO Expeditions. See Stan's blog for recordings he has collected over the years.
Stan Courtney can be reached at