DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Okanogan County > Report # 48777
Report # 48777  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Monday, May 25, 2015.
Campers hear possible night-time responses near Aeneas Valley Road
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YEAR: 2015

SEASON: Spring


DATE: 23 and 24th

STATE: Washington

COUNTY: Okanogan County


NEAREST ROAD: Aeneas Valley Road

OBSERVED: My son and I are fans of the show "Finding Bigfoot". He is 11 and I'm 43 years of age, he's a believer and I am not. It is an interesting topic but I'm a see it to believe it type of guy. We just got back from a 3 day Memorial Day weekend in Tonasket Washington. A friend has property there and invited us out. I thought for the fun of it I would take the boys (4 of them) ages 11, 13, 15 and 18 out to a dark and scary place to have fun and do some so called "knocks" and "squatch" calls... Well let me tell you my friends what ever it was either animals or what might ya... It is very active out there and the sounds scared the crap out of me...... We didn't see anything at all but we all heard many things loud and clear! I'm not easily scared I'm 6ft 6 inches and 255 lbs... And I was carrying my 9mm with me.. But this got my attention. Just thought I would drop a line on what we heard might interest you guys. We heard back on "knocks" , "squatch" calls (adult and young) and even heard a tree breaking. This may be all animals but I'm no expert but I'm starting to believe...


ALSO NOTICED: One growl was a lot louder than other noises.

OTHER WITNESSES: Yes...... 3 adults and 4 young adults.


TIME AND CONDITIONS: First night 9:45ish dark out but it was a sunny warm day .. Second night 10:00 ish and dark we just had a thunder and lightning storm earlier.

ENVIRONMENT: Areas of woods and lots of rock formation and terrain.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Darrel Verney:

The reporting witness and his son traveled across the state with friends for a camping trip on their friend’s 30 acre undeveloped property. The neighbor there has 130 acres, with a small seasonal cabin, which wasn’t occupied at the time. The properties have old roads and trails, which the group uses for ATV (“quad”) recreational use. The main road follows the valley floor and their camping area was up a private dirt road about 100 yards west of the road. The terrain up the hill from the valley floor is forested and rocky in places, especially higher up. From the top of the hill, the witness believed they could see all the way into Canada. On the first night, the witness decided to take the group out to a remote area on their “quads” for a little adventurous fun to imitate tactics from the “Finding Bigfoot” show. He wasn’t expecting any response. He tried a “squatch” yell and thought he heard a faint distant response. He then suggested that one of the boys try a yell. That resulted in a two to three second high pitched vocalization response about 100 yards away, which they all clearly heard. The reporting witness was sure it wasn’t a human vocalization and, since it was high pitched, he believed it to be by a juvenile individual. The witness then used an old four inch diameter branch as a bat to try tree knocks. He tried knocks six or seven times, each time doing three loud knocks. Three of those attempts resulted in a single knock response from different directions about the same distance away (100 yards), so they believe there were at least three individuals in the area. On the second night, they rode their “quads” up the hill, turned them off, and were planning to sit for a while to let things quiet down so they could listen. Right away, before they tried any yells, they heard a deep one second grunt/growl about 80 to 100 yards out in front of them. They then heard a very loud aggressive three to four second grunt/growl about 75 yards behind them. The reporting witness felt the hair on his arms stand up and could see the fear in the eyes of the older boy in the group (the 18 year-old young man). They scrambled out of there and decided try some things from near the campfire. From the campfire, they heard the same “juvenile” sounding response vocalization lasting one to two seconds. They also heard the cracking sound of something breaking a good sized tree up the hill in the same general area they were earlier, about 200 to 300 yards away. It was very loud. They never did see anything, but they certainly had a memorable holiday adventure.

About BFRO Investigator Darrel Verney:

Originally from Alaska, Darrel now lives in north central Washington. He studied Wildlife Biology and Wildlands Recreation, and has worked for the National Park Service and National Forest Service in the past. He feels fortunate in having had several sightings and numerous encounters during expeditions and informal outings. Darrel has attended the Redwoods ’06, North Cascades ’08, ’09 & '16, Olympic ’09 & ’11, and Morton ’12 & ’13 expeditions.

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