Geographical Index > United States > Indiana > Spencer County > Report # 49467
(Class A)
Submitted by witness on Saturday, August 8, 2015.
ATV rider has close encounter at night near Patronville (with an artist's sketch)
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YEAR: 2008
SEASON: Fall MONTH: September STATE: Indiana COUNTY: Spencer County NEAREST TOWN: Patronville NEAREST ROAD: W County Rd 300S OBSERVED: It's taken me a long time to share this story (about 7 years). My family, friends and I use to ride atv's very often, usually on the weekends. I had the biggest 4 wheeler so I usually stayed in the very back in case someone got into trouble or hung up, there was about 15 atv's. One night we were going through a classified forest called Kramers woods, which is an old growth forest with a tight winding trail and massive trees. As we went around a wet, muddy turn I seen the atv in front of mine, lights reflecting off the water hit something behind a tree that I was approaching. It looked hairy but I wasn't sure. Well, as I approached the tree while turning the atv left the thing (which was on my right) and I locked eyes. I'm 44 now so I would have been 37 at the time. I'm 6' tall 250lbs and rigid, I'm an old country boy and fear no man and could match or best most in strength, but this thing was no man, it was massive and was barely hiding behind this massive tree. It was tight against the tree with both hands flat on it and its chest tight against its hands. what happens next is very strange to me, but I know they are more than just an animal now, when he and I looked at each other we both knew he goofed and got caught in among that chain of atv's, I was instantly terrified but then instantly knew he was as scared as I was and wanted this situation to end. It was like we were in each others head and came to an agreement to just go on. My wife was riding with me so I never reacted because she would have screamed bloody murder if she would have seen it, it was 3 feet from us... I knew it was a male, just knew. He was at least 8 1/2' tall, I was the same height on my 4 wheeler as I was standing, and I looked way up at it. It's funny how small you feel, this thing could have easily have grabbed me, my wife or entire atv and threw us, that's how powerful it looked. I cant put to words how powerful it looked. I have gone online several times to try and see what i saw. Seen the white one on youtube but this one looked more human, people report red triangulated eyes, smelly & long matted coat, this one was none of that. Its coat was brownish orange with 2-3" straight hair. I could see greyish skin and muscle mass. there is no body builder on the planet with the size muscle mass this thing had. Not much of a neck but its head was huge, its eyes were 2-3 times bigger, but just like ours with whites and pupil. The whites of his eyes I'll never forget because his eyes were what I was stuck on the most, the rest of him was at a glance. His mouth was very wide (4-5") with its lips pulled tight from fear (just like us). As I pulled away he took one step and vanished. I was amazed at how he was just gone, that quick. OTHER WITNESSES: no OTHER STORIES: no TIME AND CONDITIONS: night, dark but lit up from atv lights reflecting off all the water. ENVIRONMENT: swamp , creek bottom , forrest
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Aaron Browder:
On 9/8/15, I called and spoke to the witness at great length.
The incident occurred in September 2008. The witness is still very shaken by the sighting and it is still hard for him to talk about it. I was only the 3rd person he’s ever told. The others were his father and his current girlfriend. He stated that he’d hoped that by telling others what happened it would help him get over and deal with the sighting. Per the witness, the events and sighting are ingrained in his brain, and he can see it like it happened yesterday.
I worked with sketch artist Alex Evans and my witness, and after going back and forth with the details a few times the witness has confirmed that this is exactly what he saw:

The weather was clear, moon was out, and temperature in the 60’s. It was close to 11pm and they were riding in what is known as Kramer Original Woods. They were moving slow thru a bottom area that was muddy. The location is very rural and the closest major town is Rockport with Patronville as the closest small town. The forest is an old-growth hardwood forest, very close to the Ohio River and is a protected Nature Preserve of 224 acres.
The witness was standing while riding on the last 4-wheeler. There was roughly 20 feet between himself and the 4wheeler in front of him. The trail curved to the right and then back to the left. As the 4wheeler in front passed a tree on its right, something started to poke out from behind the tree. The movement caught his eye (his ex-wife was looking to the left towards the other 4wheelers ahead). As he approached the tree, he can see “him” and they make eye contact. The witness refers to this creature as “Him”. The creature was pressed against the tree, palms flat against it, chest against his hands. He stated he was so close that “if he could have melted into the tree, he would’ve”.
As he got closer to the tree he stated he was focused on its eyes and mouth. The eyes were large (2-3 times bigger than ours) and the mouth was extremely wide (5 inches) and its lips were thin and held tight. He states the eyes looked human and he could see the whites. The witness states, that he felt that the creature was scared and so was he. In describing the face, he stated it looked Neanderthal and was more human than ape. The head was large and round. It was not conical. It was bearded but he could see skin which he described as grayish/tan. He stated the nose was wide, kind of “pugged”. He didn’t really notice any ears. When asked if he could see any other features on the face (wrinkles etc)…he just said he looked like he was in his prime, could take on the world, and was “handsome”. The tree was at least 4 feet wide, an old hickory or oak. As he passed the tree, he came within 5 feet of the creature. He estimated it to be 8 to 8 ½ feet tall with wide muscular shoulders (3.5 feet wide) and 700lbs. The shoulders were very rounded, muscular like a body builder. The hair was brownish orange, 2-3 inches and straight and looked clean. There was more hair on the forearms, than the upper arms. The arms were very long. He stated it was massive, very lean, and muscular. It had very little to no hair on its hands.
After passing the tree, he looked over his shoulder and it took one step and disappeared into the darkness. He was amazed at the quickness of the step and it was just gone. In that step he could see its buttocks which were very muscular and noticed the muscularity and shine on the hair of its back.
The entire sighting from first glimpse to the end lasted maybe 15 seconds.
The witness has not returned to the exact spot in the 7 years since, he wanted to return the next day but was afraid. He stated this is not a dumb animal and for those that think they are apes, are wrong. He felt it had feelings, intelligence, and emotion. He said the scariest thing is realizing that they have been there all along.
I visited the area of the encounter on 10/3/15 and find it to be a very good area and one I would expect possible Sasquatch activity.
About BFRO Investigator Aaron Browder:
A. Browder has had a lifelong interest in the outdoors. He is an experienced camper, hiker and fisherman who loves to travel. He has attended the following expeditions: 2014 BFRO Kentucky 2015 BFRO Kentucky 2015 Kentucky - Private 2015 Indiana - Private