Geographical Index > United States > Arkansas > Logan County > Report # 62340
(Class A)
Submitted by witness Jaime on Friday, January 4, 2019.
Daylight sighting of grey-white Sasquatch ~15mi west of Russellville
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YEAR: 1975
SEASON: Summer MONTH: August DATE: Approx. July/August STATE: Arkansas COUNTY: Logan County LOCATION DETAILS: 2334 River Mountain Road Delaware, AR 72835 35.309576, -93.375676 NEAREST TOWN: Delaware, Arkansas NEAREST ROAD: River Mountain Road OBSERVED: Location: 2334 River Mountain Road Delaware, AR 72835 35.309576, -93.375676
I saw a white Bigfoot in Arkansas, circa 1976-1977. It was during the summer, probably July or August. It was around 8 in the morning. I was on vacation with my family to see relatives. I was walking across the road to go see my friend who lived across the road. This is in a very secluded area and these were the only two houses in the area.
It was all dense trees, except for this one area that was cleared of trees and had a pond in the middle of it. I looked out to my left and saw this very tall white thing walking. It was walking along a barbwire fence from my left to right (East to West) from one tree line to the other.
As my walking slowed trying to comprehend what it was, a fear came over me. Fortunately it hadn't spotted me yet. I looked to my left in front of me was a tree stump next to a barbwire fence. I instantly crouched down and moved as quick as I could without drawing attention to myself and to position myself behind the stump, and I continued to watch it walk out of sight. Fortunately it never did look in my direction. I never saw its face or hands but the hair seemed silvery white, similar in shades to aluminum foil.
I later figured out that the barbwire fence that ran around that whole area was 4' tall. It was easily double the height of the fence, so I would say in the 8'-10' tall range. It was slender and not bulky like Patty from the Patterson-Gimlin footage.
I only ever told that friend about it, because I didn't know what it was and wondered if my eyes were playing a trick on me, because back then, no one ever heard of a white bigfoot, let alone realize that they come in all colors, similar to human hair.
[[Matt Moneymaker's note: To see the location in Google Earth simply copy and paste these coordinates into the Search box
35.309576, -93.375676
then click the Search button.]]
[Witness:] Google Earth tells me the distance was 700', though it felt like it was about a football field. Also, on the maps there is a clearing to the left of the road, that was all trees back then. And the clearing on the other (right) side of the tree line was all trees too, you can see that they are tree farming a lot just outside of this area. Also none of those other houses were there. My family owned about 500 acres there and my uncle lived there. We lived in LA but would go back there every summer.
Sidenote: This is the same text I use to re-tell this story. I have posted this elsewhere. I also don't want to use my real name, but have no problem with talking about it.
Jaimie Los Angeles, 2015
ALSO NOTICED: In story. OTHER WITNESSES: Zero. OTHER STORIES: No, they just all hear weird sounds in the night. TIME AND CONDITIONS: 8am approx. ENVIRONMENT: In my story above, across a pond.that I see on Google Maps that is still there, though at the time it was really low being summer time. A & G References: 12-6
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Carter Buschardt:
I spoke with witness via phone.
Google Earth now shows the area cleared out and farmed in several areas. When this happened there were only two homes, his grandparents and his friends home across the road and up some.
They owned 800 acres originally but slowly sold off acreage to large tree farms. Remaining family plot now has about 300 acres.
His great grandparents were full blooded Cherokee. They had mentioned that something "big" lived in the woods, and to keep away from it. They had also told them to avoid the "2 step water moccasin", because when it bit you, you only had 2 steps left before you died.
The sighting occurred in 1976 when he was 16 years old. As he mentioned he was visiting the farm and relatives. He decided to go visit his friend that lived across the road and up a bit. It was 8 AM and a bright sunny morning. He started to cross the road to his friends house when he first saw it. He had no frame of reference at the time, so his thought was, "Is it an alien?" The sight was shocking and he was trying to wrap his mind around the sight.
He jumped behind a large 4 ft tree stump, crouched down and watched it. The sighting lasted 15-20 seconds. As far as he remembers, the creature never saw him nor even looked in his direction.
He finally realized what he was looking at. It was not an alien. It was tall and slender, easily 8 ft tall. He used the 4ft tall fence as a reference. The fence came up to his (witness) chest. The figure was easily double that height. It didn't have much trouble stepping over the fence.
It was "silvery white, and walking straight up, not leaning at all".
It stayed focused, never looked back, nor wavered in its path to where he lost sight of it. He first saw it at about 80 yards away, and from the stump where he was hiding to where it hit the tree line was about 144 yards.
He saw nothing more than a brief side view and then just the back of it.
When he got to his friends house and told him what he saw his friend grabbed a "30/30 rifle and was headed out the door" to go after it. He settled him down and nothing else happened after the sighting.
In Google Earth you will see that there are other homes but in 1976 there was only his grandparents home, with the red roof, and his friends house, which was across the road and up from where he lost sight of the creature.
Entire area was heavily forested back then to the point "you could not walk 10 feet into the woods without having to alter your path to avoid bramble bushes and more trees".
Directly across the street from his grandparents home was the original home of his great grandparents, mostly gone by now, but some of it is still standing.
The Arkansas River nearly completely surrounds the area on two sides, and is not far from the site [1.24 miles].
Thousands of acres of still heavily forested areas and open farm land, complete with crops and game. Ample top shelf habitat for a Sasquatch.
He has had ample time to consider the event, and he is "firmly convinced" of what it was. Great, articulate witness.

About BFRO Investigator Carter Buschardt:

Carter is originally from Texas & moved to Missouri in 1988. Professional drummer for 20 years. Improv & sketch comic and writer for 5 years. Lighting technician for major touring groups for several years. Experienced outdoorsman and was a trained investigator for MUFON. Studied Herpetology in college. Longtime special interest in Sasquatch long term habituation, burial research, infra sound, language & stick structures. He led three Missouri BFRO Public Expeditions:, 2012 & 2013 & 2014. Led public expedition for BFRO in Illinois in 2019.Participated in Iowa, 2012 Illinois. Michigan 2016. Private Expeditions: Illinois 2011, 2012, 2013. Missouri 2011, 2012 (3) 2013(2) 2014. Iowa 2012, 2014 & 2015. Consulted on two Animal Planet Finding Bigfoot TV shows. Expedition leader in Missouri 2013 (1) & 2014 (2) & Illinois Expedition 2019 (1). Led night ops on numerous BFRO expeditions. Hosted a public Town Hall meeting in Missouri in 2017.