DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > North Carolina > Montgomery County > Report # 8983
Report # 8983  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, July 13, 2004.
Campers have morning sighting in Uwharrie National Forest
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YEAR: 2004

SEASON: Summer



STATE: North Carolina

COUNTY: Montgomery County

LOCATION DETAILS: it start a U sounds like you -are -e national forrest its in stanly county

NEAREST TOWN: Badin or Albermarl

OBSERVED: One morninig after leaving the camp ground in the national forrest to get a biscuit me and my father saw something big walking across the road.
I couldnt identyfi it. it was walking then stoped looked at us real fast and steped off the road into the woods. their was a road sign when this thing walked in front of it it completly blocked out the sign. I asked my dad if he had seen what I had seen and he said yes. Isaid thank god I thought I was going crazy or something. We pulled up to where the thing steped off the road and looked around nothing nothing at all the brush which this thing had went throught was not even moving. we got back in the truck and started driving my dad said what in the world was that. We tried to rule out every other possiblity but big foot but they didnt work out to good. First Isaid it could have been a bear or some one riding a horse. But my dad said if it was a bear it wouldnt be walking upright unlees it was thratened or try ing to reach for food and it wasent presnt,and bears arent around the stanley county area.Then my dad said maybe it was a horse because there are horse riding trailand a horse camp in the national forrest,But theres one problem Something as big as a horse or a bear should have upset the brush and it should have been moving but it wasnt. Some thing very fast and very smart had to have steped over te brush. After all this did only happen in 30 secs while we drove down the road. And Iprety much Agree with my dad. Thanks for your time. Ps I couldnt spell the name of the national forrest its one of those native american words I always have troble with those.


TIME AND CONDITIONS: Morning, clear about 70

ENVIRONMENT: woods a road dirt road and a road sign

Follow-up investigation report:

The sighting may have occurred very close to the border of Montgomery and Stanly. The witness has agreed to show me the area of the sighting in the near future. The name of the county will be revised at that time, if necessary.

The witness and his father were camping in Uwharrie National Forest and had left to get biscuits for breakfast. When returning to the camp, the witness and his father saw something on the side of the road at approximately 7:00 or 8:00 a.m..

The distance to the animal was too great for any detail, and it appeared to be a large mass that was standing upright. The witness and his father later agreed it could not be a bear, horse, or deer. There is no resident black bear population in Uwharrie National Forest or this general area of the Piedmont, although rare transients have occasionally been seen. There are horse camps nearby, but the animal was standing. They thought the figure was likely 6 to 8 feet tall and brownish black. The father thought it was hairy-looking and had no idea what it was.

When they saw the animal, it briefly stopped, turned, and quickly paced off into the forest, walking downhill. While walking, the figure blocked out a sign on the side of the road. At that distance, two legs could be seen as the creature walked away. Gender could not be determined. The witness added that the duration of the sighting was more like 6 or 7 seconds.

Upon reaching the area where the animal stepped over the bushes, they got out of their truck and did not see any brush disturbed, which they thought was strange for such a large animal. The father and son did look briefly for tracks and found none.

The terrain was hilly. Vegetation consisted of honeysuckle and pine. The weather was clear. The sun was just coming up, and morning light was bright.

I asked if this could have been a prank. The son told me that he didn't know how someone could have walked through the thick bushes. He also wondered why someone would be in a monkey suit at 7:00 or 8:00 in the morning in Uwharrie NF.

I also spoke directly to the witness's father. The father and son both seemed credible.


Update: I have met with the witnesses and visited the location of the sighting. The sighting was in Montgomery County in the Badin Lake area of Uwharrie National Forest.

Distances were measured. The distance to the animal when it was first seen was approximately 425 feet. As the truck approached, the animal disappeared from view at approximately 250 feet. In this investigator's opinion, the distance was close enough to consider this incident a Class A sighting.

The sign mentioned in the report is 7 feet 4 inches tall. The animal was almost certainly taller, as it was hunched over while walking. Additionally, the embankment drops off fairly quickly as one passes the sign and leaves the road.

In early October 2004, the witnesses returned to the general area to see if they could detect or elicit any additional activity. Some possible Class B activity (e.g. knocks, vocalizations, bad smell) was experienced. A fleeting sighting was also reported, but it was too dark to discern what it was.

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