DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Wyoming > Park County > Report # 903
Report # 903  (Class A)
Submitted by witness Amy Zumwalt on Saturday, July 26, 1997.
Sighting by a motorist near the park entrance approach from Cody
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YEAR: 1997

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 24

STATE: Wyoming

COUNTY: Park County

LOCATION DETAILS: Yellowstone Park on the East entrance into the park coming from Cody Wyoming direction.

OBSERVED: At the base of the mountain the road crews had huge gravel piles that they were using in building this new road. I was looking up the mountain to see if I could spot Bighorn sheep as we had seen Grizzley and many other of the Yellowstone animals while driving the loop of the park. I immediately noticed at on the side of the mountain nearst the top a large triangular patch of snow and walking in large strides a tall 8-9 foot hairy upright Bigfoot-like animal. It was so tall that you couldnt help but not see it. Then it made three strides across this rocky terrain and stopped just above a green grassy like area next to the snow. My son saw the same sight as I because he was excited saying that it looked like and walked like Chewbaca the Star Wars actor.Even though it was so high above us you could make out what it was. Im only sorry that we couldnt stop and pull off but the traffic was fast and no where to pull off because of the road crews.

OTHER WITNESSES: Son was looking up in the mountains because he couldnt find any Big Horn Sheep and it was the end of the day leaving Yellowstones Park. He had spotted and taken pictures of everything else.

ENVIRONMENT: As we were driving out of the park there was alot of road construction involving the park roads. The work crews were all along the area in which I saw it high up on the side of the mountain. There was snow a large patch that it was walking beside and then it took several strides across the slope and stopped. As we were traveling in the car we couldnt stop pull off because of the road construction. I would like to know if there have been sightings of this thing in the area of the park before. The flag girl on the road site was not aware of any sightings. But am interested to find this out.Since my husband was driving he was unable to see it but my younger son saw the same sight as myself.

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