DHS Squirrel

BFRO seeks Donors for Live Drone Searches

In September 2022 the BFRO applied and tested some astounding new technology that will revolutionize mammalian wildlife studies and be very helpful to other types of people:

- Farmers
- Ranchers
- Search and Rescue teams
- Field biologists
- Wildlife protection agencies
- Anyone concerned about predators or prowlers on their property
- Cryptozoology researchers

The technology is a combination of hardware (drones with thermal cameras) and software that routes a live stream from the drone back to any location with Internet acccess, like a large conference room.

The live feed can be projected onto a movie screen watched by a large live audience, and/or out to any viewers around the world watching online.

The audience in the conference room is in a better position than the pilot to spot wildlife because they are looking at a much larger screen than the pilot, who is holding a small screen in his hands.

With an open speakerphone nearby, the pilot can hear the chatter in the conference room and direct the drone toward heat blips that the audience is spotting on the big screen.

The warmest objects in a natural environment are usually mammals and birds, unless there are boulders that have warmed up from the sun during the day.

This was all theoretical stuff until last September (2022) when the BFRO tested this system in the Mohican State Park Lodge outside Loudonville, Ohio.

conf room

The conference room audience was both floored and totally engaged as they helped the pilot guide the drone to warm objects in the distance. They became part of the field exploration effort. You could feel the excitement in the room.

A few deer were spotted in a cornfield in the distance. The drone moved in closer, and revealed many more deer among the corn rows.

The deer eventually ran off into the woods surrounding the cornfield, likely spooked by the buzzing sound of the approaching drone combined with two red glowing navigation lights on the front of the drone.


Amazing New Technologies are Combined

The hardware part of this system is revolutionary in itself. The software makes it even more so.

A hi-res thermal camera (640 x 512 pixels) reveals all warm bodies that are exposed to the sky in natural environments, especially after dark when the land cools down.

From a quarter mile away a rabbit will glow like a star in the night sky. Larger animals can be detected from even further away. If the animal runs away ... the drone can follow right above it. There is no escape, unless the animal can scramble down into a burrow, or under very dense tree canopy.

In much of North America the leaves drop from the trees in Fall, allowing a drone with a thermal camera to spot and follow animals from a much greater distance.

And the colder it is outside, the more contrast there will be with warm objects. In other words, the cold makes the "stars" brighter and the "sky" darker.

The BFRO would like to continue this testing in a few different parts of the country where there have been recent bigfoot encounters, before the canopy grows back next year. We want to send the live feed either to conference rooms or out to the whole world via a live stream online. Lots of people can become part of the field exploration process.

It occurs to anyone watching this type of drone search that much can be learned about the enviroment and its wildlife that was not possible prior to this technology. Handheld thermal scopes (that can record video) have been around for 10 years or so, but only recently have good thermal cameras become affordable to the average person.

From ground level a handheld thermal camera will reveal any animals nearby in the woods (if they are not behind too much brush), but when a thermal camera is airborne it makes ground level viewing seem like a waste of time by comparison.

This historical moment is a technological one, because now this hardware costs around $6,500 and can fit in a daypack. See the DJI Mavic-2 Enterprise Advanced. It is within reach of many more people, especially ranchers and farmers who need to keep tabs on their fields or livestock.


The BFRO will show many people how drones with thermal cameras can be used for a variety of situations, while we use it ourselves for searches in areas of recent bigfoot sightings.

Why should this type of tech and testing be directed at bigfoot research first?? 

Ask yourself:  Of all the possible applications for this technology in a wildlife context that you can imagine, where you are watching a live feed and you don't know what is going to happen next,  which type of application would attract the largest audience and thereby showcase the technology to the largest number of people around the world?


Tax-Deductible Support for Scientific Research

We work with a non-profit organization that can receive tax deductible grants for willdlife advocacy, education and research. We are seeking one or more charitable foundations that make grants for non-profiits for scientific research.  There are many such foundations out there, often controlled by private parties who want to support novel projects using new technology.

The grant(s) will support a team that will spend several nights in areas of recent sightings performing drone searches. We plan to visit a different part of the country each month.

We anticipate that some people will eventually use this same technology for thermal searches that will be monetized, as either pay-per-view events, or for live audiences that will buy tickets in a conference room setting. Nothing wrong with that (in theory).

With charitable grants the BFRO can engage viewers around the world FOR FREE while we target areas where at least one undiscovered species might be documented on video, and for much longer than just a few seconds. This will all be LIVE and viewable by anyone who wants to watch online.

If you know someone(s) who controls or influences a scientific foundation that makes grants then please send the URL for this web page to that person.  It should ideally besomeone with an interest in wildlife research, or drones, or cryptozoology, or all of the above.
We want to make this happen soon, and we have the licensed pilots to do it. If you make the connection that leads to ongoing support then you could be part of our team on the road. We will be focusing on a different location each month until we find one that yields the footage we are seeking every night.

We can be contacted by email at or by phone at (408) 634-2376.



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