DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > South Carolina > Colleton County > Report # 25915
Report # 25915  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, May 5, 2009.
Motorist describes possible daylight morning sight near Edisto River, between Canady and Givehans
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YEAR: 2009

SEASON: Spring


DATE: 2nd

STATE: South Carolina

COUNTY: Colleton County

LOCATION DETAILS: Hwy 61 about half way between Canady and Givehans, near Edisto River.

NEAREST TOWN: between Canady and Givehans


OBSERVED: I was traveling down Highway 61 between Canady and Givehans headed East at ten minutes after eight in the morning. I saw what I perceived as a man walking up to the side of the road. The sun was up high enough that I had put the visor back into normal position, but it back lit the man so all I could see was a silhouette. I assumed it was a man going to cross the road to a mail box. He was far enough ahead that I did not take my foot of the gas peddle, but watched him cross the road. As I approached I was concerned he may step back into the road without looking so I let off the gas and looked for him. He was gone! There was no mail box, no man, not even a house. Both sides of the road were thick woods. I slowed way down to look for him but I could not find hide nor hair of any one. He was no where to be found.

Now I began thinking about what I had really seen. He had walked up to the road from the right in a leisurely manner, what I call a mosie. When he stepped into the road his first stride put him in the center of my lane. His second step put him at the center line. He crossed the road in four steps and at no time during this did the sun show between his legs above the knee. This was a big man. His hands had swung in front and behind his body as he walked. There was nothing in his hands. A hunter would have had a gun or a bow with him. I could see no color distinction between any parts of his body. Why would a man be crossing the road from one patch of wood to another at 8:10 AM? A really big man.

I went on to where I was headed but noted a few land marks so I could find the place again that afternoon on my return trip. Which I did. I stopped and walked up and down that spot in the road. I crossed the road in ten steps or six hard strides, but I did not find any thing to tell me what I seen that morning.

ALSO NOTICED: Not that I know of.


OTHER STORIES: Yes, Reported sightings in your web site.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 8:10 AM an hour and a half after sunrise. Clear sunny day.

ENVIRONMENT: Farn land, Thick woods and swamp.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator MB Pope:

The witness was interviewed by phone just a few days after his sighting. A field investigation to the area was conducted with 3 BFRO investigators one week after the sighting.

-The area in which the sighting occurred is relatively rural, with farms and houses dotted along the highway.There is also a sand mine in operation about a mile or so away.
-The Edisto River is just north and parallel to the sighting area.The highway crosses the river a few miles away as it meanders south and and there are numerous swamps and wetland areas in and around the river and the sighting area.
-The point at which the sasquatch crossed the road in front of the witness is heavily wooded. On the south side of the road there is an embankment which leads to a path through the woods and eventually part of a farm.
-On the north side of the road there is another embankment that leads into a heavily wooded swampy area.There is also standing water at the bottom of the embankment which is part of the wetlands/swamp.
- He did not see any facial features.
-The figure walked from one side of the road clear to the other side in 4 strides, moving at a steady pace, but in no way was the animal in a hurry.
-The witness was on route to an appointment and was short on time. He returned in the early afternoon and spent some time at the site looking for tracks or any other evidence.

About BFRO Investigator MB Pope:

Lives in coastal South Carolina and is self employed in construction and development. Loves the outdoors and has hiked throughout the Pacific Northwest, the Rockies, Chile, Argentina, and the Appalachians. She attended BFRO in SC (2007), NC (2008), and Georgia (2008). She will be attending the 2009 expeditions in North Carolina and Georgia.

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