
DHS Squirrel


No slots remaining for the
October Salmon Run Expedition


Background on "bigfoot expeditions"

According to an increasing number of well-informed, senior primatologists, the animals that are described as "Bigfoots" ("Sasquatches" in Canada) may be survivors of giant wood apes.

The best known giant wood ape species is called Gigantopithecus Blacki (pronounced : "JI-GAN-TOE-PITH-A-KUSS BLACK--EE"). See images below, and a separate article about Gigantopithecus research.

For many years it was assumed that "Gigantos" (the nickname for the giant apes) were completely extinct. Today, many influential scientists are very interested in an increasing amount of solid evidence suggesting that Gigantos are not completely extinct.

Gigantos had a very distinct appearance. They walked on two legs, like humans, but were much larger. They were also extremely muscular, compared to humans, and covered with fur everywhere but on their faces, their palms and the soles of their feet.

Fossil remains show that gigantos stood over nine feet tall. Today's tallest basketball players and buffest body builders would seem short and frail if they stood next to one.

Thousands of credile modern witnesses have described brief encounters with animals of this size and distinct appearance. Stories of these encounters are typically laughed off as "Bigfoot sightings" (as if there is only a single animal) by a tragically misinformed public.

A painting depicting early humanoid hunters approaching a group of Giantos along a stream.

Gigantos were thought to have been hunted to extinction by early human ancestors, Homo Erectus, thousands of years ago ... but people have been finding tracks and claiming brief encounters with similar looking animals for thousands of years.

Surviving Gigantos would necessarily be rare and elusive, as sasquatches are said to be. They would able to avoid human harassment, if they resided mainly in remote forests, as sasquatch are said to do. Wildlife ecologists say their bodies and bones would not be found (and identified) with any regularity in those types of habitats; and hunters would not normally shoot at animals that looked somewhat like humans from a distance. Hunters in modern times who claimed to see a sasquatch say they didn't shoot for that reason, among others.

The Skookum Cast from southern Washington won the support of the nation's top primatologists. The cast was obtained on a BFRO expedition in 2000.

Contrary to distorted mass media reporting, this footage from Northern California has recently been proven to be authentic, rather than being debunked: The various competing "confessors" to the "hoax" were all unable to recreate the "costume" they claim they used. The figure's arms are too long, the legs too short, and the muscles too large, for the figure to be a man in a costume. Anatomists can now demonstrate this with side-by-side images of human models.

This footage is from the Blue Mountains of eastern Washington.

This footage is from the northen Cascade Mountains in Washington.

There are several forest areas across North America (including mountainous and marshy areas in the eastern U.S.) with a historical pattern of sightings of Giganto-like animals. In those same forests a person has the best odds experiencing and observing the peculiar things experienced by previous observers.

Bigfoot field researchers often say the best way to confirm the presence of a sasquatch in one of these forests is to walk around in them after dark without a flashlight. An increasing number of reliable observations suggest that sasquatches will usually approach a human(s) after dark, if only briefly, when the person(s) enters the habitat area for the first time. These approaches usually don't last long, but they may provide the best opportunities to photograph or briefly videotape one of these animals.

"But didn't some guy confess to hoaxing this?"

None of the various men who've tried to take credit for the "hoax" were able to build another Patterson costume -- the most basic requirement to demonstrate their own crediblity. These various "confessors" maintain it was a simple gorilla costume, but they've never been able show this with comparable images.

Other attempts have been made recreate the Patterson costume, including one that was well organized, expertly staffed by veteran Hollywood costume designers, and funded the BBC, for a program aiming to debunk the footage. The BBC's inability to recreate the costume has become, perhaps appropriately, the strongest scientific proof that it could not be a costume.

See the article about the BBC's all-out-effort to build a Patterson costume replica. Click here for that article.

Frame 72 of the 1967 Patterson Footage

Casts were made of the footprints left behind by this animal. The casts have allowed anthropologists to calculate the height and mass of this figure.

Whatever it was, was nearly seven (7) tall, weighed about 800 pounds, and had proportionately longer arms and shorter legs than a human.

Close examination of the moving footage shows that it could not be a padded costume. Its super-sized muscles can be seen flexing as it moves.

Costume technology that can mimic flexing muscles was not invented until 20 years after the footage was obtained.

Click the image above to access the article from animator Kyle Council, titled, "From an Animator's Perspective" or click here.

See the article listing the "Top 10" reasons why there isn't much footage of these animals. Click here for that article.

The BFRO has been gathering eyewitness encounter stories for almost a decade now. Over the past five years a handful of small expeditions have been organized to bring several small teams of amateur and professional researchers to areas where these type of encounters are most likely to occur, based on historical patterns.

On every BFRO expedition so far, where skeptics are invited to come see for themselves, at least a few, and sometimes several, observers claimed to have been approached by a sasquatch at night. They did not describe seeing "hairy man-like animals" ... they described seeing "giant hairy man-like animals" -- animals far too tall, too muscular, and too fast, to be humans in costumes ...

The October Salmon Run Expedition

Dates: October 21- 24 (Thursday to Sunday)

Where: Undisclosed location(s) on the Olympic Peninsula, three (3) hours from Seattle, Washington.

Locals in t
he sighting area say the sightings peak during the big salmon run in Fall. We're timing this expedition to be there for the run.

Bob Gimlin will attend this expedition. Bob Gimlin is the man who was with Roger Patterson when Patterson obtained the famous footage in Northern California in 1967. It's a great understatement to say that Bob Gimlin is an interesting guy to talk to.

To ask about the next expedition call
(949) 278-6403. L
eave a brief message
with your contact info and your request for details.

August WA Expedition Report

Click for more photos of the
Olympic Rain Forest.
[Note: The September NM Report is still being assembled.]

Click for more photos of the
Olympic Rain Forest.



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