DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Arizona > Mohave County > Report # 33484
Report # 33484  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Saturday, February 18, 2012.
Possible late night sighting along US Route 93 near Kingman
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YEAR: 2001

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 30

STATE: Arizona

COUNTY: Mohave County

LOCATION DETAILS: About half way between Kingman and Phoenix right where the road bends before the bridge


NEAREST ROAD: highway 93

OBSERVED: My roomate and I were moving from Austin,Tx to Olympia,Wa. We left Austin at 8:30 am and headed west driving straight through the night. Honestly it was a long day of driving which is what makes this story interesting. We were both on about six red bulls to stay alert for the long nights drive and all seemed normal. About 40 miles north of Phoenix I went around a corner and saw what I thought was a bigfoot standing motionless on the side of the road. This was a highway that had many large rocks that could look like the creature if you were tired enough however this large object had eyes that reflected off my head lights. The creature was a light brown color much like the sand and rocks it was standing around. I didn't want my roomate to make fun of me or think I was crazy so I said nothing about my sighting and continued on for about another hour until we stopped in Kingman and bunked down for the night. Once we checked into the hotel we tried falling asleep but after drinking that much red bull neither of us could fall asleep. As we continued to try and sleep we discussed what a long day it was and my roomate remarked I was so tired I thought I saw bigfoot. He described the same location as my sighting. I rarely speak to anyone about this incident do to the fact that they think I am making it up but I know what I saw and I was not the only one. Bigfoot is indeed real.

OTHER WITNESSES: Yes the passenger in my truck


TIME AND CONDITIONS: 2 am very dark

ENVIRONMENT: Desert enviroment with very large rocks

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator TF Zamiski:

I spoke with this witness by phone on 6/10/12 and can add the following details to this report:

The location was about 1/2 mile before crossing a steel bridge along rt93. As he drove around a corner about 2am his lights shined briefly on a biped a few yards off the highway. The animal was in a stance as if ready to dash across the road from right to left. The witness saw white reflections at what he figured was eye level of the animal but perhaps just catching the eyes at an angle. He described the hair as light brown, similar to the surrounding sand and granite boulders. The animal appeared to be looking across the road and not at the vehicle.

This witness is 6' 1" tall and he believes the animal was much bigger than himself and taller than the top of his truck.

About BFRO Investigator TF Zamiski:

Tim is semi retired. He attended the 2006 Arizona Expedition and the 2006 Wisconsin Expedition. Tim helped organize the 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2015 Arizona Expeditions and the 2011 New Mexico expedition. Active Investigator since 2005.

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