Geographical Index > United States > Washington > Snohomish County > Report # 44368
(Class A)
Submitted by witness on Thursday, February 20, 2014.
Memory told of being chased home by a bi-pedal animal near Robe
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YEAR: 1989
SEASON: Spring DATE: 06/01/1989 STATE: Washington COUNTY: Snohomish County LOCATION DETAILS: Logged area NEAREST TOWN: Robe NEAREST ROAD: Hwy 9 ALSO NOTICED: It was dusk. We heard a howl. Made my hair stand up. It was maybe 1-2 hundreds yards off. We started heading back to the house. Maybe a mile. After about 5 minutes of walking we heard a second howl, much closer. We ran. Then a another howl. This one more of a scream accompanied by limbs breaking. Something was running fast towards us. Time to bail! We finally broke through the forest into an open field. Only about 100 yards to my friends house but there was a barbed wire fence halfway. We jumped the fence and I looked back as I went over. What I saw still gives me goosebumps. It looked like an NFL linebacker with long hair all over its body except for the face. I'll never forget the intense look in its eyes. We made it back to the house and ran upstairs to his room. We could hear the creature throwing the trash cans and stuff at the house. When my friends dad got home, we went outside to check out the damage. The metal trash cans were flattened and severely dented like they had been hit with sledge hammers. The barbed wire fence was broken and a couple of the posts were pulled out of the ground. That was the most scared I've ever been. It didn't want us there. OTHER WITNESSES: Myself and my friend. We were shooting rifles at targets we placed in the log piles. ENVIRONMENT: Logged out forest. Very dense where not logged.
Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator John Ray:
The witness was 15 years old at the time of the incident, but no longer lives in the area. I spoke with him and found him to be very credible as he related the story to me without the least variation. I could tell from the nervousness in his voice that this incident still had a profound affect on him. He couldn't remember the exact date of the incident, but knows it was 25 years ago in the late spring or early summer near the small town of Robe on the Mountain Loop Highway.
The witness and his friend were shooting BB guns at some old beer cans in a clearing near a freshly logged clear-cut, which was about a mile-and-a-half through the woods from his friend's house.
They had been shooting for a couple of hours, and had packed up and started walking home when they heard a howl that sounded about a mile away. After about 5 minutes of walking they heard another howl like the first one, only this second howl was much closer. The closeness of the howl spooked them so they started jogging through the woods back to the friend's house.
A minute or so later they heard a scream from something that sounded really big and was now very close to them. Something then started screaming and crashing through the woods towards them, so they dropped their guns and bolted towards the friend's house.
They came out of the woods at full sprint and headed across an open field toward the house. When they came to a barbed wire fence in the middle of the field they dove over it. After the witness got to his feet and started running again for the house, he looked back and saw a large creature chasing them.
The creature had long brownish-red hair, was very stocky, and was about 7 feet tall. It was pumping its arms and kicking up a lot of debris as it continued to scream at and chase the two boys.
The boys made it to the house and locked the door, then ran upstairs. The creature was now outside the house and was screaming loudly and throwing things against the house. The witness said that the creature smelled like a dead possum. In addition to the flattened and dented garbage cans, the witness said that the creature broke out the kitchen window.
The friend's father eventually came home, and found some hair on the fence during his survey of the damage that had occurred. He supposedly sent the hair to the University of Washington for DNA testing, which came back as an unknown primate, but the witness has lost track of his friend's family and this could not be verified.
It is very probable that the witness and his friend encountered and were chased by an irate sasquatch that day near the Mountain Loop Highway.
The Mountain Loop Highway has a long history of Bigfoot activity, including the following reports: Report # 41602. Report # 39858. Report # 37307. Report # 37101. Report # 26353. Report # 25882. Report # 23170. Report # 23017. Report # 16276. Report # 1880. Report # 1722. Report # 1672.
The Mountain Loop Highway is a highway in the U.S. state of Washington. It traverses the western section of the Cascade Range within Snohomish County. The name suggests it forms a full loop, but it only is a small portion of a loop, which is completed using State Routes 92, 9, and 530. Part of the highway is also a designated and signed Forest Highway, and is known as Forest Route 20.
The highway connects the towns of Granite Falls and Darrington. It is paved for 34 miles (55 km) from Granite Falls to Barlow Pass (2349') where the highway becomes unpaved for 13 miles (21 km), and then paved again for the remaining 9 miles (14 km) to Darrington. The unpaved section is U.S. Forest Service Road #20 and passes several USFS campgrounds. Portions of the unpaved section are often closed for periods of several years due to flood damage.

About BFRO Investigator John Ray:
John conducts BFRO report investigations in the Snohomish County area of Washington State. He has attended the 2006, 2008, and 2009 Washington Cascades expeditions, the 2009 and 2011 Washington Olympics-2nd expedition, the 2012 Western Washington expedition, the 2013, 2014, & 2015 Washington Cascades Area 1 Expeditions, and several other personal and private expeditions.