DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > North Carolina > Rutherford County > Report # 14801
Report # 14801  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, May 31, 2006.
Daylight sighting by fishermen on Broad River
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YEAR: 1991

SEASON: Spring

MONTH: March

DATE: 03/15/1991

STATE: North Carolina

COUNTY: Rutherford County

NEAREST TOWN: bat cave n.c.


OBSERVED: what i witnessed happened a number of years ago. my brother in law and i were trout fishing in the broad river area of bat cave n.c. outside of asheville n.c. time of year spring time. about 9 10 or 11 in the morning. i was on a large rock in the middle of the river and had been there a number of minutes approx. 20 to 30. when something across the river caught my eye. i looked over and saw something standing on two feet looking at me .this thing was approx. 30 to 40 feet away at most. we looked at each other for approx. 5 to 10 seconds before it turned and proceeded to walk up the mountian at a 45 degree angle to the mountian after taking approx. 20 steps it was hidden from my view in a laurel thicket. i heard it in the thicket but never saw it again my brother in law was approx. 50 feet down river and saw the same thing.

im not sure what we saw what i do know is that it was no bear what we saw was approx 6 to 8 feet tall approx 300lbs. and completely covered in hair it was not solid black it was more of a dark brownish grey in color. i dont know what i saw i dont think i have heard any other stories like this in the area. i would be more than happy to talk to any one in your org. about this even take you to about where this happened. again it occured a number of years ago.




TIME AND CONDITIONS: mid morning drizzle rain

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator :Leevon Patrick:

After a follow up interview, the witness had the following to add to his report:

The witness was approximately half way across the river fishing when he noticed it. He was within 30 feet of it and described it as tall and lean; not broad as other witnesses have reported. Its hair was several inches longer than a bear's and greyish-brown in color. He said the cheeks, eyes and palms of its hands were bare and the skin was the same color as its hair. The arms were longer than a person's arms would be even at seven feet in height.

His brother-in-law observed the animal as well, but further down the river. When the animal left, it turned and walked up the side of the mountain effortlessly and hid itself in a thicket of laurels and rhododendren.

The terrain in that area is steep and rocky. The population is still as sparse today as it was when the men had their sighting.

The witness owns and operates a roofing company out of Asheville, NC and is very familiar with the various wildlife in the Carolina mountains.

About BFRO Investigator :Leevon Patrick:

Patty Lee (photo) lives in Lake County, Florida.

  • B.A. in Fine Arts from the University of Colorado
  • Certified Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician (WEMT)
  • Traveled and camped extensively in Canada, Alaska, and Lower 48
  • Former manager of a high end climbing and wilderness outfitting retailer in Virginia
  • Organized the BFRO's November 2007 expedition in South Carolina

Patty attended the following BFRO expeditions:

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