DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > New York > Warren County > Report # 1599
Report # 1599  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, September 2, 1998.
Investigator finds 8 inch diameter sapling snapped in two, 6 feet from ground
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YEAR: 1998

SEASON: Summer


DATE: 29th

STATE: New York

COUNTY: Warren County

LOCATION DETAILS: this happened July 29 , 1998 in warren county , NY specifically in Ticonderoga ,off of Rt9 at a cemetary in the town.

OBSERVED: I had asked locally about anything unusual in the area specifically anything heard at night . I was following up on a report submitted to this sight in Sabathday Pt. which occured about 3 to 4 years prior to my own investigation, anyhow , my search started in sabathday pt.

I went to a local marina right by where the sounds were heard , asked a girl behind the counter if anything strange was seen or heard in the area. to my suprise she said UFO's were sighted in Ticonderoga, Ithen said what about bigfoot and she replied that there was a sighting only three weeks ago in Ticonderoga!

I was amazed that i could be so close to an occurrence, she told me that it was sighted at a cemetary in Ticonderoga and that a local vetnarian she goes to was investigating, she gave me his name and directions to his place and to the cemetary, off I went.

The Vet was in surgery and the nurse said she knew nothing of such a thing and that the Dr. had nothing to do with it, personally i just got the blow off,so i preceded to goto the cemetery.As I approached the cemetary there was a blueberry and rasberry farm right before it. Istopped there and asked a few questions to the girl behind the counter. She was very helpful and a big smile came over her face when i started talking about it .

She had a friend who knew of some local kids who saw it one night, anyway i asked if i could walk around the fields to look for signs of bigfoot since it was a farm where you could go pick your own berries, there had been rain so any sings of tracks would have been washed away. I found nothing in the fields, so off to the cemetary i went.

At the cemetary the ground was hard and any footprints would have been gone from the rains . Iwalked the whole cemetary on both sides of the street, along all of the edges and into the surounding forest about 10 to 25 feet in.

Upon walking in the trees I came upon a sapling about 8 inches in diameter broken at the 6 foot level , it was about 4 feet into the woods from the edge of the grounds of the cemetary. I stand 5 feet 11 inches and it was broken just about an inch or two above my head.

This was a definite sign, the tree was still fresh and the leaves were still green and the break was clean like a snapped pencil, although it was still attached to the lower trunk, in front of this tree was a huge oak about fifteento twenty feet and ti would have shielded this tree from a wind.So Ican say in my investigation that this was not from a windfall as there were other trees around it that were significantly smaller.

I took two pictures and did not find anything else at the sight. Next to the cemetary was a house . Iproceeded to the door and rang the bell. A girl about 11 answered , I asked if her mom or dad were home and they weren't. Iasked if she had heard anything strange at night or if her dog went crazy at night or barked alot . She said that she hadn't heard anything and that they don't let the dog out at night cause he barks to much.

She also stated that her mom came home one night and saw something in the driveway and that it ran into the woods and she heard branches breaking as it ran into the forest.I then said thanks and went asking around some more at some other houses in the area and came up empty.

This was my first investigation into Bigfoot and I came out happy that I did find some evidence, Ileft my name and number with agirl and plan on going back up to the area again.the Adirndacks are over 6 million acres and can sustain a population of bigfoot.

ALSO NOTICED: One womans daughter described her mothers sighting and anther person knew of a friend who knew some kids who saw it

TIME AND CONDITIONS: 9:30 am to 12:00pm

ENVIRONMENT: Adirondacks, pine and oak, maples trees , cemetary off Rt9

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