DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > West Virginia > Pendleton County > Report # 20101
Report # 20101  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Friday, July 6, 2007.
Afternoon sighting by hiker at Seneca Rocks
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YEAR: 2007

SEASON: Summer



STATE: West Virginia

COUNTY: Pendleton County

LOCATION DETAILS: Take route 28 to it or map quest Seneca Rocks

NEAREST TOWN: Petersberg

NEAREST ROAD: route 28

OBSERVED: My family owns land in West Virginia, so we went down camping this past Fourth of July weekend. We went to Seneca Rocks to climb them, and on the way down I took a shortcut away from my family.

I realized the trail I took started to fade and I was lost, after going downhill a little while through rough rocky, tree filled and bush filled terrain that is home to deer, bear, and snakes, I heard thumps (footsteps) and tree branches cracking. I stopped and got cold chills, about 30 yards east of me on a 45 degree angle at 4:43 pm I saw the back side of a orange and brownish haired thing moving up hill quick.

It had thick black hands and feet and I would guess that it was about 6'5 to 7'0 tall and again was moving up hill through rocks very quickly. I tried to go over to the area, but the sound stopped and it was gone, I found my way back to a path about an half hour later and made my way down to tell my family, who still don’t believe me...I can say one thing, it sure was a crazy experience that raised the hair on the back of my neck.


TIME AND CONDITIONS: 4:43 pm on a tree filled mountain, perfect sunny, but hot day

ENVIRONMENT: mountain ridge

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Stephen Willis:

The creature he sighted at a range of 30 yards had matted orange-brown hair up to 10 inches long. It stood 6.5 - 7 feet tall. He described it as being dark hands and feet. He could not determine facial features.

It did not seem to react to him, other than its retreat. The witness was moving down hill as the creature moved up hill. He looked at it for about 7 seconds, then started moving in the direction the creature had gone for a short distance. He got a strange feeling and decided to go back the way he came.

The only sound the creature made while being observed was its raspy breathing. He stated it had been climbing the hill he was going down. The creature headed away running over the rocky terrain with ease.


Editor's insertion: A view from Seneca Rocks.

The surrounding area is easily large enough, and strategic enough, to support a few families of sasquatches.

About BFRO Investigator Stephen Willis:

Grew up in central West Virginia. Retired from the US Army in 2003. Small manufacturing business owner. Lived for almost 7 years in Germany and 1.5 years in the Mideast.

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