DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Idaho > Adams County > Report # 2063
Report # 2063  (Class A)
Submitted by W.D. on Saturday, May 15, 1999.
nighttime road crossing sighting
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YEAR: 1982

SEASON: Spring


STATE: Idaho

COUNTY: Adams County

LOCATION DETAILS: Highway 95 aproxametly 100 miles south of  Grangerville Idaho



OBSERVED: My friend was driving my Lincoln  continental while I was sleeping.  It was very late. About 1:30 AM.  He screamed and slamed on the brakes and said is a very loud and surprised voice.  Did you  see that?  I said no, but you certanly woke me up.  I asked what was it?  Thinking a deer or a possum in the road. He said. Well, I don't know. I said well go back.  His reply to me was.  No way. That thing was tall dark and hairy and was walking on 2 legs.

This event took place back in 1982. We talked about it the other day.  He said he can still remember how this thing stride across the road. It saw the car and kept on going.  He guessed we were about 75 feet from it when the car lights came upon him.

 To this day he swears that he saw a "Big Foot".  He is not one for making up stories as he is a "Born again Christian" and is a school teacher as well as teaching in Sunday School.

ALSO NOTICED: Nothing was heard exept when my friend saw the creature, he shouted in fright.

OTHER WITNESSES: Driving down the road. Myself, unfortunetly I was asleep in the car when sighting took place.

ENVIRONMENT: Wooded forest.  Along ways from any town. Late at night. Aproxametly 1:30 AM.  HWY 95 South of Grangerville Idaho about 100 miles.

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