DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Indiana > Montgomery County > Report # 27274
Report # 27274  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, February 10, 2010.
Possible vocalizations heard near Shades State Park
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YEAR: 2009

SEASON: Summer


STATE: Indiana

COUNTY: Montgomery County

LOCATION DETAILS: Interstate 74 runs from Indianapolis head west to the Crawfordsville exit and head south. Take highway 47 to 234 and head west about 5 miles and you will see the Shades sign.

NEAREST TOWN: Waveland, Indiana

NEAREST ROAD: State Highway 234

OBSERVED: The first incident was in Febuary of 2009 after a snow. Me and my daughter who was 5 at the time went to Shades State Park to play. I was goofing around and making tree knocks every 15 minutes or so. I did not expect anything but any time I'm in the woods I try. We were making our way back to the truck and were within 500 yards when I made another set of knocks wich was followed almost immediatly by a very loud and powerfull growl. My daughter immediatly looked at me and said what is that dad. Halving my 5 year old with me made me just want to get her to the truck asap. The power and intensity was really something, it reminded me of passing a snow plow on the road, just the power of it.
The following summer a couple of things happened I think are related. In june me and my buddy who like to whitewater kayak went to the Shades, Pine Hills area to kayak due to some heavy rains and flooding,wich in Indiana is the only good runs we get. That day while standing along suger creek at our buddys cottage which is across from the spot Indian creek enters suger creek we were debating how safe Indian creek would be to run when for some reason a deer jumped into the water and tried to swim across, it did not make it and got sucked under a log jam under the covered bridge. That was our sign and we descided tomorrow would be a better idea. We met around 10:30 the next day and Kayaked Indian creek which was still running fast but safer. As we was leaving Indian creek and entering suger creek at the spot we were at the day before except on the other side, I noticed to my left along the cliff face was a stack of rocks about a foot and a half tall stacked right on top of each other. What was odd was this area was still quite flooded and the area was completely under water the day before. There is know person in there right mind that would halve been in that spot over night or that morning.
My last incident was in July 2009. I was catfishing about 1 am at lake Waveland about 1 to 2 miles from the Shades and Pine Hills area. I heard very cleary three short howls coming from the area around Shades. And the whole time this thing was howling every coyote in the area was going nuts. As soon as it stopped everything went silent, it was really cool I pretty much knew at that point for once and for all that sasquatch is a real and living creature, very cool. I got online when got home and found a identicle sound, the Columbiana County Ohio howls are exactly what I heard.

ALSO NOTICED: The rock stack was odd because there is know acsess to the spot it was and it was surounded by a cliff on one side and pretty nasty flood waters around the rest it was just a small point that had poked up out of the water as it started coming down. No way a person made it no way.

OTHER WITNESSES: The growl was me and my daughter she was making snow angels and I was knocking on a tree.
Catfishing was me and my buddy on his boat.
The rock stack was while me and a buddy kayaking.

OTHER STORIES: Yes this past week my mom called . Her and dad had taken the yorkie out to Shades for a walk. They noticed right away that there were not the usual bunch of birds and critters about. Also while they were walking atleast two animals were whooping back and forthe. We listened to the Sierra whoops and that was very close to what they heard.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Summer and winter. The rocks were after a pretty nasty flood in June. The howls were 1 am in July. The growl was mid day after a descent snow in Febuary.

ENVIRONMENT: The most notable things are this area consists of Shades, Pine hills, Lake Waveland, and 10 miles south Turkey Run State Parks. Sugercreek wich is a large creek runs through the area to the Wabash River wich runs down to the Ohio. The area is very rural and undeveloped.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Eric Lester:

After speaking with the witness, the following details can be added:

-the growl heard by the witness and his daughter was possibly within 100 yards, and lasted about 6 seconds; they were hiking on a trail in Shades State Park that runs to Sugar Creek, then loops back to the parking lot

-the stack of rocks was made up of 4 rounded river rocks; the witness was emphatic that nobody could have been to that spot during the previous day to do anything like that, as the water had receded sometime during the night to expose this area...if the rocks were stacked previously, it is probable they would have collapsed due to the strong current

-there were a total of 3 howls, each lasting 3-4 seconds each, with a few seconds between howls; coyotes would join in halfway through each howl, then all would stop at nearly the same time...they originated from the north, towards Shades State Park

Shades State Park is bordered by Turkey Run State Park to the southwest, and Pine Hills Nature Preserve to the east. Sugar Creek runs through both state parks, eventually flowing into the Wabash river to the west. Though this is the first report from Shades state park, two reports from Turkey Run State Park are included in the BFRO's database:

Report #25240

Report #19588

About BFRO Investigator Eric Lester:

Eric Lester is a medical professional and has been investigating possible Sasquatch sightings since 2004.
BFRO expeditions include:

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