DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Idaho > Bear Lake County > Report # 28709
Report # 28709  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, January 11, 2011.
Several years later bowhunter confirms sighting of Bigfoot family east of Montpelier
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YEAR: 1981-1982


MONTH: September

DATE: 11

STATE: Idaho

COUNTY: Bear Lake County

NEAREST TOWN: Montpelier

NEAREST ROAD: Elk Valley Road

OBSERVED: This report is a long time in coming, and is in reference to report # 1796. I was camped with my dad and friends at our annual bow camp during the labor day weekend in the fall of 1981 or 1982. This particular day our fathers let us out of the truck along the Elk Valley road and told us to spread out and hunt up over the ridge and down through a area known as the Bloody Bucket, they would pick us up on the other side. As I started to descend down the ridge towards a beaver pond I saw three figures standing on the edge of the beaver pond. My first thought was that they were people wearing snowmobile suits. I thought that was strange because it was early September and warm. As I got closer I realized the people were wearing fur suits. Then it hit me what I was really seeing (BIGFOOT). There were three of them, a large, medium, and smaller one. They had dome shaped heads and no fur on their faces. I had no camera with me at the time.I was about 75-100 yards away from them. They walked around the edge of the beaver pond through some scrub aspen and into the timber on the North facing Slope. The scrub aspen hit the tallest bigfoot just below the shoulder. I was very nervous and started towards the beaver pond to see if I could find tracks in the mud. As I approached the scrub aspen I realized how tall the bigfoot was. I was approx 6 foot tall at the time and the aspen was over my head. At this point I was really nervous and decided to go in the opposite direction and get out of the area. I remember that it was unusally quiet during the time of the sighting. Years later I was talking to my friend who was with me on that day and he told me what he had seen.



TIME AND CONDITIONS: Approx 9:00 am Clear and Sunny

ENVIRONMENT: pine, aspen, sage brush, beaver ponds

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Todd Strong:

Here is the link to the referenced report: Report #1796

I have interviewed the witness and found him to be believable, an experienced outdoorsman and hunter and familiar with the area. He had been hunting there many times before and many times after. Although he found himself hunting within several hundred yards of the beaver pond on different occasions after the sighting, he never felt comfortable returning to the exact location. He now lives in a different state.

The witness never got a good description of their faces other than hairless and he felt like the group didn't see him. They never looked at him or acknowledged his presence. They were already leaving the beaver pond when he first saw them moving into thicker cover. They were making more noise walking than he was. The largest Bigfoot walked in front and the smallest in the rear. He thought the leader was urging them to leave the area. They made no vocalizations and had no distinct odor, very dark brown hair with a black undercoat and noticeably cone shaped heads. They had no problem walking smoothly through the thick scrub oak.

The witness approached the beaver ponds from the southeast and the animals were on the opposite side of the pond, which is approximately eighty feet across. The terrain between the ridge he stood on and the ponds was a gentle downhill slope with minimal cover. He had a clear view of the pond and the Bigfoots. It wasn't until the witness went down into the scrub oak and realized how big the creatures actually were when compared to the height of the underbrush that he became frightened.

He never told anyone about the incident until it came up in a conversation several years later with one of his friends that was hunting the next ridge over. After comparing notes they realized that they saw the same three Bigfoots only a few minutes apart. Neither one recalls hearing anyone in camp talking about seeing anything unusual during the hunting trip and both didn't want to bring it up.

It is unusual to have two different witnesses, both experienced outdoorsman, confirm a sighting of a Bigfoot family within minutes of each other. The fact they didn't collaborate on their stories until several years later lends credibility to their accounts. I talked to Brett on the phone twice, once for an hour and the second time for fifteen minutes. The witness lives out of state and had no problem sending me a Google Earth shot of the exact location where he was standing at the time.

When the snow melts I intend to go to the area and take photos to include with the report.

About BFRO Investigator Todd Strong:

Todd Strong has a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and is self-employed.
He is a Certified Visual Tracker; Level 1.
Todd has been an avid outdoorsman since childhood. Attended the following BFRO expeditions:
Utah 2007, Northern California Spring 2008, Olympic Peninsula Washington 2008, Northern California Spring 2009, Northern California Fall 2009, Wyoming 2010, Olympic Peninsula Washington 2011.
Todd was the Expedition Organizer for the Utah 2010 expedition and is organizing the Utah 2012 expedition.

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