DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > Wisconsin > Shawano County > Report # 135
Report # 135  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Tuesday, August 15, 2000.
Two couples shine owl and observe large hairy primate
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YEAR: 1981

SEASON: Summer

MONTH: August

DATE: 8/15/81

STATE: Wisconsin

COUNTY: Shawano County

LOCATION DETAILS: The area in Shawano referred to as the"Mooseyard". >From Lake Dr., any road that accesses the Area for Recreation and local residents know as the "Mooseyard". There are dirt and gravel roads that run through there and this particular road is off of Woods Rd.

NEAREST TOWN: Shawano, Town of Wescott

NEAREST ROAD: Acres for Recreation roads near Lake Dr. or Hwy H

OBSERVED: Back in the summer of 1981, my then fiance' and his twin brother and his fiancee' were just driving through the "Mooseyards" as young people do, and pulled off to the side to just "sit" and whatever (it's been awhile) with the back of the car facing the road and the headlights to the woods. As we were talking, we all noticed some eyes shining in the trees ahead of us. We all just casually commented as to whether it was a bear, but no, it was up to high. Well then it must be an owl because it was at least 8 feet up or so. The driver then put on his brights and now we saw a huge figure standing there which then just casually turned to it's left and started to walk. We didn't wait to see any more because we all yelled and the driver of our car immediately floored it in reverse and we sped away. We all went home and compared notes on our observations along with the twins trying to draw the creature. We made the decision to not tell anyone because we knew we'd be called nuts. We sure would of said that about anyone telling us that story. The next day, in daylight, we went back to that location and observed the tops of the wild grass in that area was burned in a large circular pattern. I have know idea if it is related or not. Just odd. We never talked much about it again except occasionally my husband now and again. Now I live in the area again and am very curious because we are building a house in the "Mooseyard" and wanted to know after seeing a program on T.V. about your site, if anyone else saw anything similar in the area. My husband being better with directions can drive right to the sight.

ALSO NOTICED: in story above


OTHER STORIES: In the mid 70's people would gather one particular summer at around 10pm every evening at the Shawano County campgorunds to observe bright colorful changing lights dart around the sky above. Every night like clock work an airplane would be dispatched to investigate and the "lights" would disappear. I observed this personally with my brother and sister-in-law and her family who camped there along with many others but do not know if it was ever reported officially because I was somewhere between 10 and 12 and at that age those things don't occur to you. I recently asked my brother and sister-in-law if they remembered that, and they did quite vividly so I'm sure there are others out there.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: It was evening sometime after dark. The conditions were dry and from what I remember, starlit sky.

ENVIRONMENT: Heavily wooded, remote, near dirt road (again my husband can provide later-he's out of the country right now)

Follow-up investigation report:

While I was visiting Shawano I visited the "Mooseyards." Directly north of the large lake. They give wildlife various corridors to Wisconsin's north woods, which consist of wetlands and conifer forests. Although the area is more developed now than back when the sighting took place, there is still plenty of wildlife in the area, including black bear.

In my conversation with the witness, I was told that further communication is welcome. In addition, I anticipate some artwork that will represent the figure observed back in l981.

Investigation of the details continues.

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