DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > United States > New York > Monroe County > Report # 1525
Report # 1525  (Class A)
Submitted by witness on Wednesday, September 30, 1998.
White creature seen running through the woods, footprints found
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YEAR: 1997


MONTH: October

STATE: New York

COUNTY: Monroe County

LOCATION DETAILS: These incidents occured in the USA,near Rochester,NY(in Monroe county).In the town of Greece,off Mill Rd.

OBSERVED: In July,1997 I was with my sister and 2 friends(a brother and sister)in the woods...the sister(not mine)told us that she'd been in the woods the other day and saw a big white thing.*See other sightings below.*

After that,I began looking for Bigfoot-like creatures in the woods.About 3 months later,I saw it.I was walking in the woods around 5:00PM with my friend...we were coming through some tall grass when it happened.

As we came out of the grass into a field,I saw,in some woods, about 100 ft. away a large(about 7ft. tall)creature stood he/she/it saw or heard us,turned and ran away.It ran very fast.It was tall and actually sort of slim.It had white fur...its arms were long,so were its legs.I did not see it's feet or hands well.I did not see it's face.

I have found various footprints and footprint trails-ususally in the snow but sometimes in the mud-they are ususlly about 14 inches long.This may not seem very big,but they are bare ootprints.They also DO NOT have the hourglass shape of a human foot.They are straight.

I have also heard odd noises several times.Once at about 5:00 in Sep.97,I was in the woods with two friends.I heard a dog begin to bark,then a deep moaning howl.That was all I heard that time.

I know I have heard other odd noises.But I can't think of any specific incidents. I have heard yells,hoots,and well as howls and whistles.

ALSO NOTICED: Well, right near where the creature was seen is a house.Yeah,a house in the woods.It's driveway starts in the road and goes into the woods.He has no trespassing signs all around his property...and spends all morning in an old shack behind his barn.Ok,maybe its just me,but I think that's odd.I think maybe he has something to do with it...

OTHER WITNESSES: the sighting...we were walking.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: the sighting was sometime in late september-early october,1997.
The noises I've heard,prints I've found...I don't remember when they all happened.

ENVIRONMENT: This is odd, since Bigfeet are usually spotted in large forests.The area where these sightings have occured is a small section of woods that runs along Mill Rd.They(the woods)used to be much larger,but recently,they have been being torn down to build houses.The area has several creek-beds,small ponds,etc.There are lots of fields.The woods are very dense,not many paths.I don't know the elevation,latitude,or longitude.

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