DHS Squirrel
Geographical Index > Canada > British Columbia > Report # 18441
Report # 18441  (Class B)
Submitted by witness on Friday, March 30, 2007.
Possible approach to campers near Chilliwack
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YEAR: 2006

SEASON: Summer


PROVINCE: British Columbia


LOCATION DETAILS: Just off of the Chilliwack River Road. We had stopped by the river to camp out with some friends and walked down about 5 minutes off the road to stop.

NEAREST TOWN: Chilliwack

NEAREST ROAD: Chilliwack River Road

ALSO NOTICED: We were camping out for the night and just relaxing after a long work week. We didnt want to go very far so we went down to the Chilliwack River and parked on the main road and walked down to rivers edge. After setting up and sitting around laughing and having a few beers. We decided to walk the rivers edge. I had done some research into Bigfoot sightings and have always been a believer and have heard stories of sightings in that area. So I started to do some vocaliztaions that I had heard on the internet and on T.V. Specials. All my friends began to laugh histarically but I continued anyways. After about 5 minutes of us sitting on a log. We heard a return call. It was low and sounded like nothing I have heard before. It was a lot deeper then my voice and was a lot longer then my vocalizations so I knew it was not a echo and it was about 5 minutes after. I looked at my friends and they did not know what the sounds was either. I continued my vocalizations and kept getting returns for about 10 minutes. I was excited and nervous so we walked to waters edge and started to voaclaizations again. We got one last return call that sounded closer and louder then the rest. and then heard definate breaking of sticks and brush. It wasn't quiet it was loud. Very loud in the silence of the night. It sounded like it was only 20 to 30 feet into the trees. I am an outdoorsman, Ive grown up camping and fishing and hunting all my life. I was in Boy scouts for 10 years and have been to many remote locations. I have never heard anything like this before, especially the breaking of branches. I can't be for certain that it was a sasquatch but with the vocalizations and the breaking of branches I can only assume. The next day I did not go back to the site of the incident call it nerves, but I couldnt go back.

OTHER WITNESSES: There were 4 other witnesses. But believe this to be nothing.

OTHER STORIES: I have heard of other reports in this area. I have heard of sightings and rocks throwing in the Cultas Lake area and further up the Chilliwack River valley.

TIME AND CONDITIONS: Later at night, around 10 pm. Dark out but clear skies.

ENVIRONMENT: River bank, so rocks and pebbles. Where the incident happened the river cut through and we were on one side on the rocks and on the other side was dense trees and underbrush.

Follow-up investigation report by BFRO Investigator Blaine McMillan :

The witness and some friends were camping out along the Chilliwack River. He decided to have some fun and tried to imitate some suspected sasquatch vocalizations that he had heard over the internet. After several calls he was unsuspectingly rewarded with a return vocalization. He described the reply as being deeper in tone and having more
force behind it. Additional calls back and forth culminated in the group hearing the approach of a heavy bipedal animal on the opposite side of the river.

In speaking to the witness I found his report is very similar to others from this location. Campers and hikers along the Chilliwack River have been reported hearing heavy bipedal footsteps coming from the surrounding forest. Additionally, the BFRO is aware of vocalizations and rock banging or clacking in this and neighbouring valleys.

About BFRO Investigator Blaine McMillan :

  • Retired Canadian Military (Reg Force) Safety Systems / Aviation technician with experience fighters and various SAR platforms. Author of Wood Knocks and Tossed Rocks:Searching for Sasquatch with the BFRO

  • Married with two young sons. An avid camper, hunter and fisherman.

  • Holds a BA in Criminology from the University of Manitoba, courses in Alternate Dispute Resolution, Anthropology and Political Science

  • Attended the BFRO BC Expeditions in August of 2005, 2006, 2012 as well as Vancouver Island 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.

  • Organized the 2007, 2008 Vancouver Island as well as 2009 North Vancouver Island Expeditions.

  • Author of "Woodknocks and Tossed Rocks: Searching for Sasquatch with the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization.

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